Friday, December 18, 2020

Advent Word #Bless

One of my biggest  blessings is the life together with the people who meet regularly for worship here.  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

Today's word is : BLESS. 

During this weird year, it can be hard to find the blessings. Nothing is normal. People are still dying from COVID and many still refuse to practice good pandemic safety. 

Yet life blesses us. 

 My life, in spite of all the COVID restrictions, continues to be blessed by my parish community.  On Wednesday evening Brian and I attended an Advent Taize service at church.  This was a place and time that we, the St Christopher's Young { Youngish} Adults created intentionally for people to " lay down" their laments.  During the music { provided by three gifted masked singers} people were invited to move around the church and stop at three interactive prayer stations. 

One of the three prayer stations at Wednesday evening's Advent Taize service.  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

 In spite of this hideous year-- my parish manages to bless each other and the wider Pensacola community. It s true that 2020 has been a year of loss--- in several ways--- but I am reminded that it is the people in our lives with whom we choose to associate who bless us. 

  " Community" looks different right now. However, 2020 did not stop the blessings coming. 




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