Saturday, December 19, 2020

Advent Word #Turn

                                                        Unknown source for graphic. 

Today's word is: TURN. 

To be honest, the first thought that I had when I got today's word were the lyrics to a song by The Byrds. 

To everything turn, turn, turn
There is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven

A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing

Yeah 2020 started out rather normally for most people in the US. Then March roared in carrying a deadly and new virus. The nation literally shut down while the brightest minds in medical research worked to understand this strange ' bug'. 

In March of this year--- society took a turn for the worst.  As the medical community began to understand more about how to keep safer from COVID, " freedom fighters" everywhere refused to wear the masks and stay out of big groups. Some states' governors got on board with the medical data and mandated masking in public.  However, Florida is not one such sensible state. Our neighbor to the north & west , Alabama, issued masking while our governor  pandered to the lowest common denominators of his citizenry-- the Science Deniers. 

One by one, people were forced to " lay down" things in the name of public health. Even funerals became virtual as sensible bishops dictated that Episcopal churches follow strict safety guidelines, The entire second semester of last school year was moved online , and parents struggled to find childcare options for their home-schoolers. 

Commerce suffered, as people could not get out-- or chose to sensibly stay home. 

In September, Pensacola and Baldwin County, Alabama bore the brunt of a hurricane that took a sharp, sudden #turn East at the last minute. This turn caused devastation to private & public property-- the biggest calamity as the broken Three Mile Bridge.  As the storm raged, our beautiful coastline turned into a disaster zone--- which it still is due to COVID & the lack of aide from the federal government.

Yup,. 2020 has been full of unseen turns. 

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time for love, a time for hate
A time for peace, I swear it's not too late.....

As we move into the Fourth week of Advent, 2020 there are signs that we'll soon take a turn for the better. Slowly, people are able to line up to receive the newly-approved COVID vaccine. the new Administration is shaping up to bring in a much-needed positive turn of national discourse.  Human rights that were challenged are being upheld. 

Slowly, there is a turn towards hope. For Christians, Jesus is Hope Incarnate.  His life, death and resurrection reflects  our story as People Of God. 

Let us turn towards that Hope and lean into it this week. 


Sarah McCarren 

Advent 4 2020

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