Sunday, December 20, 2020

#AdventWord #Rejoice

Photo of my younger brother & our Grandmother, Anne, dancing at his wedding reception. Photographer unknown. 

Today's word is REJOICE!

I know---- it seems an odd word to be included in the 2020 list. Most of us are not feeling holly-jolly this holiday season. After all, Love dictates that we " lay down" most of our beloved holiday traditions so that we may keep ourselves and others safe for next year. 

Its hard to rejoice when we are ten months into a pandemic and some people still won't do their part to slow the spread of COVID. 

My Dad's mother was laid to rest this past week, and COVID protocol dictates that I not hug him. I. Can't. Hug. My Own. Father.. 

There are not enough swear words in the dictionary to express how much this fact sucks. A friend reminded me, however that I cannot get stuck in suckitude. 

Yes , even now, there is reason to rejoice. 

For instance, my parish community continues to worship in-person  { with safety measures followed} . I find a lot of joy in knowing that one hour per week---- even now--- I can spend giving glory to God among people I love. I rejoice in the fact that Alabama { and Camp Beckwith} made it possible for me to relax in a safe way with folx I love during November's Parish Retreat. 

I rejoice that our church community still finds ways to serve others and stay connected throughout this weird year. 

Regarding my Grandmother's death, I rejoice knowing that she finally  got to meet Jesus & is no longer in pain. It may sound weird to some people-- but as my priest celebrated Mass this morning I sensed Grandma" Anne's very real new presence right there with we  Pensacola ' Christophers'. I even felt Grandma Anne's smile from Heaven as my priest started the Eucharistic Prayer. 

Grandma is rejoicing in Heaven that her eldest " grand-girl" has blossomed over the past three years. She is rejoicing that she did live to meet my spouse--- and that he is someone for whom she felt fondness. 

I rejoice that Grandma is healthy & whole.  I rejoice in the fact that soon the United States will have her first woman-as-Vice-President---- *** and*** that she is a nonwhite woman.  I rejoice that--- in spite of odds--- the US Supreme Court upheld marriage equality. The marriages of people I love will remain legal. 

Rejoice, and be glad. 


4 Advent 2020

Sarah McCarren

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