Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Advent Word : #Holy


                                 Peace, rest & wholeness at the beach. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

Today's word is HOLY. 

I equate " holy " with " wholeness". Many of us feel-less-than-whole this season, after ten months of keeping ourselves and others physically whole by staying away takes its toll on the human psyche.. 

Four years of a totally divided federal government also has many, including myself, feeling less-than-whole.  While I do not want to " borrow trouble" , and do my best to keep my soul facing forward-- I struggle. 

It is not a good idea to ignore the lack of wholeness , or " holiness" that is the reality for so many people as this calendar year ends.  On the flip side of that equation, it is also UNHEALTHY to dwell on the amount of brokenness that we all feel. 

COVID has killed more Americans than did the terrorist event in September 2001. Families have been broken by untimely, preventable deaths. 

As we are slowly able to do so, emerging from Pandemic Life will take time.  Likewise, the new hope of some semblance of normalcy coming from Washington , DC will take time. 

Our loving Creator God intended us to be whole. This same loving Creator-- Christians believe-- loved we humans so much that God became literally one of us. 

We-- broken as we are right now-- are whole{ holy} to God. 

I need to lean into that thought as our hearts prepare to welcome Christ as a baby into a very broken Roman-ruled world. 

God knows how lost we feel living in a broken world. 


Sarah McCarren

23 December 2020

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