Wednesday, December 2, 2020

#AdventWord #Earth


              Me hiking in Western NC, one of my favorite places on #Earth. Photo by Brian 

Today's #AdventWord is #Earth.  

As someone who grew up in Northern Appalachia and who now lives on Florida's Gulf Coast, my spiritual life is enriched by my time spent outdoors  . I feel closest to God the Creator when I am out-of-doors. As a matter of fact, winter & rainy weather is hard on my soul-- since it calls for me to stay inside. 

The older I become, the more I experience The Divine while enjoying time in Nature. During the lockdown of 2020, the ** only ** place my Covid-weary soul felt any peace was when I managed to be at the water's edge or among the piney woods . 

 Time with Earth is healing.  Time among the other creatures on God's Earth reminds me of the Creativity of our Creator. 

  Spending time  " Earthing" during this pandemic has helped me to hold onto  #hope.

  Today I give thanks for God's great Earth and all she offers. I pledge to continue to do my part to keep her healthy, and to encourage others to do likewise. 



2 Dec 2020

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