Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Saints : Then and Now

 Icon written by unknown artist of St Brigid of Ireland. She is my " sister saint". 

 During this week's Godly Play session online, the children were asked to wonder who in their lives is a " saint" . They were asked to create a story about their saint. 

  Who do you know as a ' saint? 

  A " saint" can be a person who is still alive-- or someone who has died. some saints are known by everyone-- but most saints are known by God alone. 

  I am blessed to know several saints. Some of these, such as St Brigid of Kildare { Ireland }, are recognized by the Church Universal. 

My home altar... with items that honor my Celtic roots  The St Brigid Cross in the shadowbox is an authentic one that my parents brought back for me from their trip to Ireland & Scotland. Brigid and I have a unique sisterhood that transcends time & space. She is recognized by the Church.  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

I am blessed to have several people in my life whom I consider " saints". These ordinary people bring out the best in me: and help me to grow into the person God intends for me to become. Some I've known for my entire life, and others are new to my circle. The saints I know are not perfect people, but each does their best to live out the Gospel in a way that is tangible. Saints I know focus on others: they choose living as a servant.  

I give thanks for the " saints" and Saints . 




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