Wednesday, August 26, 2020


 Hands : Women at Beckwith put our n\hands on the altar.  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie 

This week's #SermonQuestion to our congregation was " Who do YOU say Jesus Christ is?"

We know Who Scripture says He is. We know Who our pastors say He is. We know that the blue-eyed, blond, White Jesus is historically NOT Who He is. 

But Who is Jesus to you? Who is He to me? 

This is a question that should be at our core as Christians. The answer will look a bit different for every believer, but one common theme is simply that Jesus Is Love Personified. 

To me, Jesus is the Greatest Teacher: the Rabbi of Rabbis.  

His life is a living example of living according to what our Presiding Bishop calls " The Way of Love.  Jesus--- Creator God incarnate-- loves humanity so much that he live a fully HUMAN life-- while showing us The Way. 

He is The Best Teacher Ever.  As humans, He knows that we are imperfect creatures of Earth. We often miss the point He makes, but He loves us enough to tell us to " try again". 

Jesus does not just offer lectures and parables. He SHOWS us by his ACTIONS how to make a better world. He demands that His followers live a life of grace, while realizing that there is a time and place for righteous anger. 

He teaches a radical TRUST--- promising His early followers that they will never be alone. He stresses the importance of COMMUNITY: and we at St Christopher's are blessed with one such community where we do our best to live as Jesus teaches. 

He shows us how to care for the most vulnerable in society. Feed the hungry. Clothe the naked. Tend to widows and orphans. Talk with your neighbor who is different from you in any way..

He teaches that love is an action verb. The Love that Christ teaches us never was passive. 

To me, Jesus is the Teacher of the Way. 



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