Thursday, August 20, 2020

When your " Spidey Sense" is on Point About Someone & You Ignore it

            How I feel regarding Naked Florida Man Bitmoji created for me by Ariana. 

  Now that the story Of Naked Peeping Florida Man is literally all over news outlets. { a friend said this morning that her significant other who lives several states away called to tell her that he'd seen the story on his local channel. So, I'm not spreading any rumors or state secrets. 

    Naked Peeping Florida Man was our neighbor when Brian and I lived across the bridge. It was surreal when we turned on the news last evening and there was Local Newscaster standing in the middle of the street near the perp's house. Brian and I passed by that tree , and that house countless times. We know the Peeper and his family. { However , we do not know  the 7 year old victim or her family-- they moved in after we left} 

I can't talk with many people about this because I feel myself getting all full of righteous anger. The fact that Brian and I both know this human fuels my sense of injustice. The crime of stalking a child while NAKED is hideous enough but my knowledge of this person & his family makes me even more sick . 

   To put things gently { I don't wanna harm his wife or stepson any more than they have already been harmed.} " Mr Straight" { play on words there} was much more " crooked" than anyone would have imagined. He clearly is only full of words----  touting extremely outdated gender roles and rules about " what a man does". UGH! 

  To be honest, I never quite trusted the guy. I really don't wish to elaborate on why I felt such a keen distrust of this man--but I honestly wish that my instincts were wrong for once . After all, just because I do not like the guy doesn't mean he's a bad person, correct? In this case, my instincts proved me right: Naked Peeping Florida Man has some deep-seeded issues. 

  In cases such as this one, I hate being right.  I want to believe that people with whom I disagree vehemently  are decent folx--- not creepy middle-aged stalkers of a child. 

   What he did to that child is WRONG. It angers me that he is out on bail. Yet at the same time, I feel sorry for his spouse-- the Court Of Beach Town has already tried her and deemed her guilty by association. 

   I am angry & I am sad. Right now I understand why some people think this guy deserves " Dixie Justice"  & this also makes my peace-loving soul sad. I think about my five-year-old niece in Atlanta and wonder how my { very liberal and nonviolent} Brother would respond as a Father and also as a feminist. 

   Why did God " bless" { its a mixed blessing for sure} with such good Spidey Sense.  Furthermore, how did I let myself be fooled by the charm of a seriously sick man? 

    Prayers for the victim and her family. 


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