Friday, August 7, 2020

A Room of My Own, designed to suit ME


Photo looking in door of my " She Shed" room. Its part studio, part home office { wi-fi is weak there, so I'll still work mostly in the living room area for now. It is still a work in progress. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

This past weekend I grew frustrated with the pile of " stuff" that had accumulated in the small middle bedroom of our cottage. This room, designated as  " Sarah's Studio//Office" when we moved to Pensacola almost exactly three years ago had become a Covid Catch-All Space. 

After spending a good three hours decluttering and cleaning the room, I decided to totally make this space mine. 

I am pleased with what I've done to the space so far: transforming it into MY oasis. When I get shelves, I shall move my books to the studio, making room for other things in our square-footage-challenged house. 

 All my art supplies went to a neat place atop my jewelry box { until I get the book shelves that a friend promised to me when he moved}  I re-arranged the light fixtures to my liking and padded the cheap desk chair with a lumbar support pillow and throw pillow. To make the chair pretty, I draped an afghan that I'd purchased at a thrift shop. { So far, this is the only " new" item that I purchased for the room redo} 

I just LOVE this blanket-- so worth the visit { keeping safe and masking, of course} to the thrift store. Purple is my color. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

Eventually I want to get a purple bean bag char to use as a cozy reading nook, but I'll wait on that addition, as well as the painting of the walls. It is entirely possible that I'll opt to pain one wall lavender-- leaving the other three walls as they are now. An accent wall will highlight the books, the reading nook, and the wall crosses. At any rate, there is no hurry for me to do the paint job. 

IF i decide to pain an accent wall this wall will be some shade of purple. I think a color will highlight the wall crosses. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

I removed the flimsy, cheap curtains and decided that I like, at least for now, a curtain-less window. If I change my mind, I can always add some window dressings. There are blinds covering the window, so I feel secure without curtains. 

I'm looking forward to slowly turning this room into an oasis. Brian has " his room" in the work shed, and this is MY " room" . It only took three years and a pandemic, but I am FINALLY making my little Zen nest reflect MY personality. 

Mugs holding writing and drawing implements, representing both The University of West Florid *** and*** St Christopher's Episcopal Church, Pensacola. Go Argos! Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

Yesterday was the Feast of Christ's Transfiguration, and I am celebrating by honoring my uniqueness. Each of us is an individual, known and loved by a wonderful Earth-Maker and to honor our uniqueness is honoring the Maker. 


7 August 2020

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