Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Middle Age is GREAT: Fashion Sense Edition

Middle-aged hippie chick. Photo by Brian. 

I do not understand why the media forces people to idolize youth. I spent my teens & twenties either being miserable {in high school} or making poor choices { in my second decade} in a vain attempt to try t fit into the mold society puts women into. 

I'd spent the first half of my life hating my five foot six inches, slender , curve-less body. None of the clothes taht were in style seemed to fit my " pencil person" { That what Mom says I am since I'm built straight up and down} figure.  Butts and boobs were the look for women , and I hated the fact that I had neither. lso, I lost count of how many times I went to the vice principal's office in middle and high school due to my " inappropriate " shorts and skirts. :(Girls with shorter lets and arms got away with wearing miniskirts and Daisy Duke shorts while I was a dress code violation every time I wore shorts to school. { M'kay, maybe I exaggerate a wee bit, but it sure seemed like my clothing was policed more than my shorter, bustier classmates. 

Dresses were just as bad: as a narrow-shouldered female with a small chest, I'm grateful that I never had to find a formal gown { Shyness and insecurity kept me away from all the dances} Even s an adult-- dress shipping is NOT my favorite activity, but I've developed n eye for thinks that suit my narrow body. 

Today, I embrace my natural figure.  Working WITH my body--- rather than AGAINST it-- I've developed my own style.  Furthermore, I've remembered that beauty comes in all sizes, and I should not let people " thin-shame " me. I find fashion nd workout advice and inspiration from women who are also naturally long-limbed and thin. 

I think Carly Simon is beautiful. 

After reading her autobiography and realizing that she, too, struggled with hating her tall and thin body  From her example, I learned that long skirts need NOT be prudish. 

Instead of dresses, I wear several long, flowing skirts when I need to dress up. I've discovered that I can mix and match many shirts to make skirts seasonable all year long. I tend to favor skirts { and pants} that accentuate my long legs, and draw the center of focus away from my narrow upper body. I pair the flowing skirts with bright, solid colored tops. I'd discovered that as a thin, blonde person, black and brown does nothing but wash me out. 

Neutral colors are NOT my friend. 

If I do wear neutral pants, I pair them with a bright top.  I also have a gorgeous second-hand gray skirt suit that I wear a lot with varying tops of bright colors. 

 Awesome gray power suit with a pencil skirt , paired with a bright lacey top.  Photo by Brian.

My Bishop is fond of telling people. " be whom you are. Nothing more nothing less."   I've learned that  fashion is more about expressing MYSELF than following trends. I've learned to work with  and not against how God knit me together. 


Feast Of The Transfiguration 2020

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