Saturday, September 5, 2020

Some Western North Carolina Memories

 This is Labor Day weekend, 2020. Since I am a Florida resident, I've learned to dislike " holiday weekends": all the tourists come and crowd the parks & beaches along the northwest Florida Gulf Coast. This year, with the COVD threat, it is imperative that Brian and I stay home as much as possible. 

            Forgive me: but Western North Carolina is one of my favorite places.  

            On this hot and humid Saturday in 2020, I'm looking forward to our trip to Western North Carolina.  Her are some photos of memories I've made in the two most-recent trips to Highlands Paradise.

This is the stature in the outdoor chapel at Kanuga. I snapped this photo back in 2016 when on a " work trip" for Episcopal Church Women.  I'd not much spare time, so I went on several mini-hikes each chance I got. As much s I love the Gulf Cost, part of my soul will be Appalachian. 

This is the Episcopal Church in Hendersonville, located literally right across the street from the bed & breakfast that Brian and I use. 

There is something inexplicably sacred about the old , old mountains of the Eastern United States. I grew up in the foothills of the Appalachians, and still remember endless hours playing in the woods. Brian took this picture of me when we were on our honeymoon  to the mountains back in December 2015. 

 Kanuga Lake: I snapped this photo one early morning before breakfast at the ECW Province Four Retreat. I'm hoping that Brian and I can hike the circumference of the lake on this trip. 

Kanuga Chapel. In 2016, I DID spend some time here on my " work trip". e used the chapel for both worship & business space. 

This is another view of the outdoor chapel at Kanuga. 

These are photos of the visit to Looking Glass Falls at Pisgah National forest, near Hendersonville. As a child , I'd spent some time in the northern end of Pisgah swimming in cool swimming holes near beautiful falls. It is my hope that Matt { my brother} , Brian , and my Dad will some day show the nephew & niece the water magic of the Pisgah waterfalls and swimming holes. 

 Brian took this shot during one of our hikes. As you can see, I am totally representing The University Of West Florida in this photo. The big smile on my face says it all: I love Western North Carolina! 



Here is a photo of Looking Glass Falls, in Pisgah National Forest, near Hendersonville.  Water is definitely me " elemental sign"   s one cannot see powerful falls such as these in the flatlands of the Gulf Coast. :) 

Both Brian and I are planning to make more wonderful memories during our too-short trip to the Carolina Mountains. We've added a day in nearby Asheville this tie, nd we look forward to new experiences there, including sampling some of the craft beers! After all, St Brigid of Ireland is my patron saint and stories say she turned water into home brew beer! 

Peace to all...
Labor Day Weekend 2020

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