Monday, May 17, 2021

This is 45


                                                Making " good trouble" since 1976

I celebrate one more trip around the sun today. How did I spend my " Halfway to 90" birthday. By NOT EATING to prep for a spinal injection procedure that { hopefully} will relieve the spinal stenosis that has been a part of my life for over two years. 

Such a procedure , coupled that I remarked to Brian while in Savannah that " I've been acting middle aged since my mid 20's" in response to the revelry on The Riverwalk on Saturday evening.  But in all seriousness, today I am reminded that getting older is a gift--- and in this time of COVID many people did not live to add another year to their personal timeline. 

                     St Christopher at the Riverwalk in Savannah. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

Brian and I spent my last birthday worshipping from home via our computers and then going to my parents' house. We were still in the thick of the Pandemic Spring, and doing our best to fill our days with meaning while staying home. 

This year-- Brian and I took a few days in Savannah and ate way too much , waked for MILES, enjoyed each other's company, and learned some history. While enjoying vaccinated life, we were delighted to see that Savannah & Chatham County, Georgia take COVID prevention very seriously.  While the introvert in me was still iffy about strangers getting to close to my personal space,  We drove, as neither one of us feels safe at airports yet { and I hate to fly  for so many reasons-- one being like I feel like a sardine in the cabin of a plane. } If more counties and cities took safety seriously for just a few more months, we would ALL have more freedom! 

Anyway, I am looking to how I can better serve my community as the world becomes safer. I am looking at getting involved in a local political campaign again & have volunteered for a great service ministry that is happening at my church this summer. When the Three Mile Bridge opens again, Brian and I plan to kayak at Shoreline park and resume our trash-pick-up work. While among the public, I will still take safety steps that include masking and proper distancing , but I have faith in the science that brought about the vaccines. 

Living in Pandemic Life-- and doing my best to serve others while still keeping Brian and myself safe has been a challenge. I am a true introvert-- but an introvert who loves serving others and being among my people. While I'll never be a smooth small talker or have the Irish " blarney" with all store clerks like some people whom I know and love, I do love people. Covid-tide has taught me how much I need others in order to be fully-human and fully alive. 

Cheers to my 45th year! 

Get out there, lovely people, and make the world better for ALL of us. 

Sarah McCarren

17 May 2021

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