Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Pronouns Matter

 Hi, lovely humans. My name is Sarah. I am a human who identifies as female and my pronouns are " she, her & hers". 

Note that I said MY PRONOUNS-- rather than " my preferred pronouns" My pronouns reflect how I identify & show myself to the world. 

As a cisgender { someone whose gender assignment at birth matches their identifying gender} person, I realize that I carry with me privilege that my trans siblings do not have. The gender on my original birth certificate matches the one on my current government ID card. Furthermore, I present as very " feminine" -- people see me and do not question my gender. 

                                            Even with no makeup-- I present to the world as " female" 

June-- the month that is reserved for celebrating the lives, struggles and accomplishments of the LGBTQ+ community, is a great time for we cisgender humans to start using our pronouns.  Normalizing pronoun usage  shows solidarity to our transgender friends, including those people in our lives who identify as nonbinary or agender. 

If a person corrects you regarding their pronouns, simply apologize and vow to do better.  If you are cisgender, as I am, imagine how invisible you would feel if someone kept referring to you as the wrong gender-- especially after correcting them. 

For instance: I am not male. To insist on using male pronouns for me would be invalidating my existence. 

Social media makes it easy for people to normalize sharing pronouns. yesterday, I noticed that Instagram now added an optional feature to declare one's pronouns on our intro. I added she/her/hers. Additionally, I added my pronouns to my e-mail " signature" that is tagged at the bottom of every correspondence I send. 

As a cisgender person who presents very feminine , I do these things not so much for myself, but to show solidarity with trans people. 

It's easy to do, my lovelies.  After all, we ll have pronouns. 


Sarah McCarren

26 May 2021


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