Monday, May 10, 2021

Return to the Gym #MaksedUp

                                          Me #MaskingUp in public. Fully-vaccinated, yet still practicing safety protocol for all people.  Photo by Brian. 

I did a thing today. It is a thing that  was-- pre Pandemic-- a BIG part of my wellness. But COVID robbed me { and others} of the chance to do this thing safely. 

I went to the gym near my house and ran a mile on the tread-climber. 

It was weird. To be honest, the thought of returning to a closed space where other people are in & out every day made me twitchy. Both Brian and I have been fully-vaccinated  for some time, but the thought of returning to my gym still creeped me out. 

I've been sticking to the Pandemic Life workout ritual of walking around my neighborhood-- staying away from other people and enjoying the free-flow of air. 

Today it rained-- and more rain in the forecast, My spinal stenosis was flaring-- and I've learned that the best anecdote for the pain is to move my body.  Staying stationary only aggravates the nerve roots that are being pressed upon. A look at the radar and a consult with Brian helped me to decide that an attempt to get a cardio  workout  outdoors was not a wise idea. 

So i put on my big gal panties and braved the gym. In my bag I carried my own water bottle & towel, and plenty of disinfectant wipes. Additionally, I wore a mask

Thankfully, I arrived to an empty gym and immediately ascended the tread-climber. Still completely masked I set the machine to run a mile. 

Dear Ones, I ran a respectable mile while wearing a cotton face mask.  Furthermore, I had no trouble breathing through the well-fitting cotton face mask. 

The gym was empty. But I did not feel 100 percent comfortable staying in a room that is closed in  save for one door. It mattered not how " silly" I might look to passersby-- I am venturing out in public within the boundaries of my comfort level. 

My metric for public outings is: Mask up unless everyone in a group is also vaccinated. Too many people in my part of Florida are not yet vaccinated, and I wear a mask for the protection of others as well as for my own safety. 

I clocked in a mile run in 6 minutes 47 seconds.  I'm in my mid-forties, and with a chronic back issue. Yet still I ran & I am damn proud of myself on two levels. Firstly: I braved the gym itself. Secondly: I made a damn GOOD mile time-- especially since I have nor ran i over a year. 

Our Governor has eased masking in Florida. However: I will remain masked in public until  herd immunity is reached. If people see my masked face as a " political statement"-- so be it. I put my trust in science, and although I know that I cannot force people to wear masks-- I can show by my own behavior that I am living out the call to care for others' safety & health . I will mask up.. and kick butt i the gym! 


Sarah McCarren

10 May 2021

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