Friday, May 7, 2021

A Better Attitude: Mother's Day Weekend 2021

             Group photo of the attendees of the 2021 Parish Women's Retreat. Photo by Brian. 

It is Mother's Day Weekend, and for once in my entire adult life, I am not bitter.  While I still think that Mother's { and Father's} Day is/are totally " Hallmark Holidays" I enter this weekend with a sense of peace. 

I am not, nor will I ever be a " mother" in the sense that I raised little humans. 

What's more, I'll be 45 years old later this month--- officially entering my ' crone' years. 

Realizing that I-- although childless-- embody part of the Divine Feminine/Earth Mother has helped me 
find peace with both aging and childlessness. Spending time in a glorious part of Mother Earth's Creation with women from all walks of life helped me tap into my own part of the Authentic Mother of which Julian of Norwich writes. 

There is something powerful and healing about an intentional community of women. I saw Earth Mother manifest herself in the words and actions of each woman who attended that retreat with me. Each woman there, in her own way, helped me to meet & eventually embrace my own Motherhood. 

I, too, and a co-creator with God. I generate art via painting, photography & writing. I nurture our dog and our betta fish. 

When I see my niece and nephew, I spend quality time with them. 

I volunteer with our Children's Faith Formation team, sharing sacred stories of our faith virtually. I look forward to the day when it is safe to sit in a circle full of children and hear their responses to the " Wondering" questions. 

For those who hurt this weekend, I understand and sit with you in solidarity. Western Society is afraid of the strength of  Authentic Motherhood & The Divine Feminine, so she { and we} are squashed into a box. 

Y'all, I am Sarah. I am woman. Hear me ROAR . 

In the Name of the Divine Three...

Sarah McCarren

May 7 2021. 

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