Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Target-Shooter for Gun Reform

                    A friend and myself three years ago at Pensacola's March for Our Lives. 

Three years ago today, I stood and marched proudly with over 1000 Pensacola-area residents  asking for reasonable firearms laws to pass in Florida. In our undeniably RED part of the nation, it was refreshing to see so many people asking for regulations that will keep dangerous rifles and high-powered ammo magazines out of the hands of troubled people. 

It is 2021 and the United states is reeling from yet two more mass shootings in two different cities. As I stand in solidarity with victims of gun violence and their families while simultaneously supporting our Second Amendment. You read that right-- I support our right to own weapons.  However, I think that the Second Amendment needs to be updated--- when it was written  people carried muskets. Today, laws that cite this amendment are written that allow anyone with a credit card to purchase military-grade machine guns so that they may have " a hobby". When our nation's founders wrote the Constitution,  life was different, guns were needed for survival on the frontier . Early Americans did not use muskets  as a " hobby".

In spite of what the National Rifle Association and other weapons' lobby groups will say, the 2018 March For our Lives was not about "taking hunting guns away from law-abiding citizen"s.  Rather, it was, and still is a movement to ask state lawmakers around these United States  to pass sensible laws that keep dangerous killing machines away from people who are dangerous to themselves and other people. The change that I-- and others-- wish for does not apply to hunting rifles. We ask that machine guns-- with only the purpose of killing as many humans as quickly as possible and the magazines that are designed for such weapons are not permitted for civilians 

Seriously, anyone who needs a big magazine to hit a target is a piss-poor shooter The rifle that Brian and I shoot has a maximum of three rounds before it needs to be reloaded. 

In the words of the band U2 

"I can't believe the news today
Oh, I can't close my eyes and make it go away

How long, how long must we sing this song?
How long? How long?

'Cause tonight
We can be as one


~Sarah McCarren

24 March 2021

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