Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Golden Rule: Love People.

                                              Photo, by the Pensacola Hippie, of the altar of the side chapel at my                                        church. 

   Sunday's Old Testament lesson was one that I knew by heart. It is also the only lesson from the entire Bible that I had memorized from early childhood. Growing up in an interfaith home, my younger brother and I were not familiarized with Scripture. We celebrated a secular Christmas and Easter & were given the " bare bones" stories of the Jewish feast days. { Purim , and Queen Esther, has always been a favorite story of mine} 

   Anyway, on Sunday the lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures is one that Mom always reminded us. her version is Treat others the way you want others to treat you. 

  The Godly Play story words the Greatest Commandment into these three simple yet profound phrases. 

  Love God   

 Love People

 GOD love YOU

God loves humankind so much and nothing makes the Creator happier than when we show our love for other people.  Surely, loving people during COVID is hard-- we've been asked to love others by limiting contact with people in our lives. This is a tall order, God did not create us to live as lone creatures-- we are our best selves when we are in community. Covid has turned on its head most of what we modern people know--- life looks different. 

 On Monday I had a Facebook notice come across my feed . Someone I know had spoken with a man who, through no fault of his own, ended up houseless.  I messaged her that I think Brian is willing to clean out his closet and provide this man with a few nice shirts for upcoming job interviews. 

  I have not met this man, but my instinct told me that he has fallen on hard times and is looking for work, a place to live, and a car. Brian gladly cleaned out his collection of dress shirts and added a nice jacket that we 'd picked up at a thrift store for next to no money. When we dropped of the clothing, I received  a report on this man's status. People around Pensacola had responded favorably to the inquiry about resources and basic needs , and avenues for help are being investigated. 

  Love God. If we love God, we love people. It matters not if we know someone in need, they are still our sibling. Many of our siblings are down on their luck due to the pandemic, so there are opportunities to share in our blessings with someone who is not so fortunate. Helping people in need is an act of faith-- it is not our place as helpers to judge someone's " worthiness". I don't know the man who got Brain's shirts. However, I do know that he is a person, just like me. He is a person who needs a little help to get back to living independently. 

  Love requires ACTION. Pray, then act. 

  Love God and love God's People because { no matter what!} God loves YOU and ME. 

  God's grace is amazing, indeed. Spread it around. 


   Sarah McCarren 

   10 March 2021


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