Friday, March 5, 2021

Midway Through " the Lentiest Lent We've Lented"

                                             Me holding my parents' puppy " Lucky".  Photo by Brian. 

     Sunday marks the this week in Lent, 2021. How are you doing? No, really how are you doing? 

It is not lost on me, or on many people I know, that it has been a year of Lent.  Of course it does no one any good to whine, but let us acknowledge that we've been in Lent since last Lent.  Both decency & necessity have forces most people into a whole year of self denial in order to benefit the common good. And while this lifestyle is necessary, I am not gonna pretend that it has been easy.  As a matter of fact, I've taken a different approach to observing Lent this year, because self-denial has become the way of life for now. 

The Right Reverend Audrey Scanlan, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania has this to day about Lent: 2021 on her blog: 

    " If the purpose of Lent is to prepare for Easter, and to draw closer to God, then how can I do it given that this year I (we) am (are) entering this season pretty well emotionally depleted?

What if I just stopped trying, and leaned into grace?

You know, grace- the undeserved gift of God’s love, freely given?" ~+ Audrey

Basically, that is how I am living into this Lenty Lent.  I am committing myself to activities that strengthen me spiritually & emotionally.  I am safely, now that Brian is fully immunized, foraying into limited, masked, and properly distanced activities.  No, now is NOT the time to' throw caution to the wind' I am not yet vaccinated & will wear the masks as long as needed. COVID is still a threat.  But after twelve months of self-denial, I am ready to  live fully human { albeit with safety regulations in place for myself & others ] today in hope of the upcoming Eastertide. 

This endless Lent has me finding joy in the simplest things, parts of life that I took for granted back before COVID. 

Life as we know it has changed. I am not a fool.  Leaning into God's grace requires trust-- trust that God will stay working among all our scientists and doctors. None of us really can predict what post-COVID life will look like for any of us. 

  Easter is coming, friends! Lean into God's grace-- in whatever manner your life circumstances dictate. Its true that we are in different boats in this storm, and it is up to each of us to figure out what is safe & practical for each of us. 

  It has been a Lenty Lent already, & we are not through yet.  So take time to remind yourself that you are Beloved. 


 Sarah McCarren

 5 March 2021


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