Sunday, March 14, 2021

Overturning Tables

                                                 At least we got a rare trip to the Gulf.  Photo by The Pensacola                                                    Hippie

There is a time for righteous anger at injustices. 

This is a time for such anger. 

 I was scheduled to get my first COVID19 shot yesterday. Brian { wonderful spouse } and I went all the way to the facility in Panama City, Florida. After almost three hours on the road in a truck, 

I walked into the main entrance to the hospital and told the reception person " I am here for my 10:55 vaccine appointment. "

Receptionist person said " I'm sorry , ma'am. We don't do vaccines on weekends, the nurse isn't here."

I felt my blood pressure rise.  Evenly I replied: But I have an appointment that was confirmed yesterday. "

" Did you make this appointment online?"

"Yes! "  I opened my phone and showed her the screen shot of the appointment's date, time and location. 

The woman peered at my phone. "I'm sorry , ma'am, but we can't give vaccines today. "

" But. I. Had. An. APPOINTMENT! "

Shrugging, she said " That will be fixed on Monday. "

" Bullshit, a lot of good that will do TODAY! "   I turned around and walked out the door before she saw me cry. { I would not want to give her the satisfaction of my tears. }

When I told Brian what had transpired, he felt anger-- both on my behalf and for the fact that we rove all morning  As we made our way around Panama City towards the beaches { let's not totally waste this trip} I called every number we had contacted in a vain attempt to hold someone accountable for the screw-up. 

I hate incompetence . I had done EVERYTHING possible to ensure that I would receive the shot-- and  because someone  did not dot their figurative I's.  In hindsight, I am glad I had enough sense to take a screen pic of the promised vaccine appointment , as I am planning to overturn some tables this week. { and for once, my mellow spouse is 100 percent behind table-turning} The fact that they don't offer the vaccine on Saturday is not the issue-- the table I want to overturn is the total incompetence that their Web people showed. My appointment yesterday was not the only one that could have been expected. Others were turned down for this important vaccine for the same reason { even though I'd bet that we drove the longest chasing this nonexistent shot}

I understand that we are all pandemic-weary and frustrated. But I expect more competence from a huge corporation that literally has lives of countless people in their hands.  It is bad enough that Florida residents have to even be strategic regarding finding vaccines-- but our health-care system should at least be ACCURATE regarding when and where these vaccines can be obtained. 

I will NOT forget this incident. 

~Sarah McCarren. 

14 March 2021

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