Thursday, January 14, 2021

Still " Not Ready To Make Nice"

                Candles burning and fresh herbs as a ritual offering  at my home altar. Photo By The Pensacola Hippie. 

Y'all I am PISSED. 

A big group of sore losers tried to take over our National Capital by force. And , according to people who are monitoring the Dark Web, these  traitorous s goons are planning more chaos for the week of the Biden Transition. 

As much as I've tried to stay away from mixing politics with faith , I've come to an impasse regarding Donald Trump and people who still support him. 

There has been a call among we Christians for " Unity" during this time. While I understand the need for unity in theory,  I call B.S right now. 

These people are traitors. Anyone who still supports Donald Trump's failed attempt to sway this election in his favor support a traitor. I've no interest in pursuing conversation with them right now regarding the how and why of Donald Trump's loss. 

 Rep Sean Patrick Maloney, { D New York} said very succinctly :

     “And there’s right now only two sides to this debate: there’s the Constitution and there is the mob"

Yup. I do not even want to hear from people who still support Trump's attempt to literally steal the Presidency via a violent mob. I've had to cut of one long-term acquaintance who insisted that the DC riot " was not too bad. "Again, I call B.S.

Perhaps later on I'll find room in my mind & heart to listen to what Trump supporters have to say regarding their blind loyalty to this con man, but not right now.

People have literally fought & died to protect our democracy. Real patriots { and their families} have been resisting tyranny since 1776.

I love my nation-- in spite of all her flaws.

I am the great-granddaughter of Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants. I have no time nor patience for neo-Nazis.

My nephew & niece are mixed-race. I've no tolerance for any -- either overt or { worse in so many ways} covert racism.

I am still in my child-bearing years. My uterus is not up for discussion. { especially by ancient , rich old White men who have probably paid for their share of secret abortions}

My loved ones who are married to spouses of the same gender as they deserve the same protection as my heterosexual marriage.

For those reasons, and many other reasons not stated, I AM NOT READY TO ' MAKE NICE" with people who are faithful to Mr Trump. For my own sanity, I'll need to love them from a long distance .


Sarah McCarren


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