Saturday, January 9, 2021

I Cannot......will not Forget.....

                                        My Celtic Christian altar at home. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 


"Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will also be in our troubled world.”
~ Etty Hillesum, who died in Auschwitz in 1943 at the age of 29. From An Interrupted Life, a compilation of her diaries and letters.

I'm still reeling from Wednesday's attack on Americans. While the  foreign invasion by  radicals on September 11 2001 left behind a staggering amount of carnage and loss of human life, the attack on The Capitol seems more insidious to me. 

                    The attacks of September 2001 were planned , orchestrated and carried out by individuals from hostile nations. Wednesday's attack was planned and carried out by Americans--- people who live and work in our everyday lives. 

                    I'm frightened. Although I do not hang around with any known hard-core White Nationalists, racism { including anti-Semitism } exists as a truth for people I know. As I've stated before in many social media posts, this hatred DOES NOT reflect the values of the traditional GOP. As a matter of fact, the Party Of Abraham Lincoln was the party that freed the slaves.  How the party of Lincoln splintered into Party Of Hatred has a long , sordid story. 

                    I want to find peace in the wake of this disaster, but my heart is too heavy.  For the first time in my life, I feel shame in my Whiteness--- all of the rioters shared the same lack of melanin as I do. It bothers me that I know and love some people who still refuse to see what systematic racism is and how they benefit from Whiteness. 

              Already I am weary of the conspiracy theories that are being put forth by some people. In spite of growing evidence to the contrary. Loyalists refuse to believe that their Dear Leader would encourage such behavior-- and insist that " Antifa" { Whatever that may be.... no one really seems to know} is responsible. 

            To me, this horrendous act against our democracy is a result of years of stoking the fires of White Supremacy. Donald Trump--- as much as I hate him--- is not the cause of what happened on Wednesday--- loyalty to him is a result of YEARS of Angry White Folx. 

          Donald Trump legitimizes the base beliefs of White Nationalists. To them " making America great again" means returning the locus of power to an exclusively White male population. They are threatened by Black & Brown people gaining positions of power. They are angry that our Vice President is a Woman of Color married to a Jewish man. 

        To them, Trump represents the last power of a dying breed of Americans. Barak Obama's election to the Presidency angered many of these " closeted racists" , and Trump's ascension brought them some perceived legitimacy. 

       When the election was called for Joe Biden, I sensed that there will be more trouble coming. As a  matter of fact, I dreamed that the Capitol was invaded by insurgents--- but thankfully reality was a lot less bloody than was my dream. As more is discovered by investigators it worries me how much destruction that the rioters  had planned for that day.  Despite what the right will shout- this was not meant to be a peaceful demonstration. 

     Closeted racists attempted to takeover the American seat of Democracy. White men, proudly wearing anti-Sematic shirts and carrying Confederate battle flags, attempted to terrorize Black , Brown and Ashkenazi Jewish Americans. They reminded me { again} that people here still hate Jewish Americans. As a Christian, and someone who resemble her Celtic-American father's people, I know I carry privilege that my Jewish kin do not enjoy. 

     If I had any patience left for Trump-supporters after Wednesday, I'm DONE. 

    I am desperately trying to find my own peace in the mess, but I cannot--- because AMERICANS hate other Americans enough to follow a defeated politician into an attempted coup. 

   Y'all, I CANNOT FORGET  , That's all. I cannot forget Wednesday, January 6. 2021. 

     No more silence. I'm speaking. 

   ~Sarah McCarren


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