Friday, January 1, 2021



                                                          HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2021! 

Yup. We made it through the worst year of my lifetime. To be honest, I am grateful to have made it to today without losing anyone I love to COVID. 

As is my custom, I have chosen a " star word" for 2021. This word came to me today as I was reading my morning devotions. New Years are not " magic pills" that " make all that is bad good". Rather, each January 1, we are given a chance to reset our lives.  After the total debacle that was the year 2020-- I know I need to reset my heart.  As it becomes possible, I also need to reset some priorities that had to stay locked up due to the pandemic. 

I'll make efforts to spend less time online & more time with people I love.  This pandemic has taught me that a virtual life--- as necessary as it is during a pandemic--- is a pale comparison for face-to-face QUALITY time with loved ones. As it becomes safe to do so-- this introvert will relish in social time with others! 

In order to help me reset my mind & soul, I've adopted a practice of keeping a gratitude journal. 2020 has shown me that active gratitude is essential to a well-balanced life. Additionally, this past year's horrors has shown me that there are things for which to be thankful. It was hard in 2020, so it is my hope that journaling will help me adopt a daily practice of gratitude. 

I look forward to a season of healing, both personally and as a society. We are gifted yet another calendar year--- it is up to each of us to do the required work to make it a good one. 


Sarah McCarren

1 January 2021. 

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