Wednesday, January 13, 2021

And get your popcorn....

 Oy vey!!

Almost one week after Donald Trump sat and watched his minions storm the Capitol during a meeting of the Joint Session of Congress, there is talk in that same hall about impeaching him for a second time in four years. no other President has been impeached more than once. 

Sadly, I have little faith in the system, as DJT managed to squeak by the Constitution on many occasions. As much as I want to believe that the lawmakers finally see who this person is--- I have doubts. 

Donald Trump, by sitting by as his most rabid supporters stormed the legislature building-- a stunt that left five people dead--is responsible for inciting this treasonous acts.  By remaining quiet, he spoke loud and clearly what he wished for our great nation--- for himself to continue his reign of ineptitude. 

For four years--- in the name of " unity" I sat and watched as this outgoing President attempted to tear down all that I've been taught to cherish about life in America. I watched silently as he unsuccessful attempted to strip away the rights of Black & Brown-skinned people, religious minorities { such as Jews & Muslims} , and rolling back the earned rights of women & LGBTQ+ persons  I watched as a radical neo-Nazi walked into a Pittsburgh synagogue and gunned down eleven innocent people. I prayed with my friends who are married to spouses of their same gender as marriage equality became " up for discussion again. 

In 2020 I gave up much in order to keep myself & others safe from a deadly virus while Donald Trump continued to insist that scientists were wrong and he alone was to be trusted. I watched as COVID spread across the nation -- even affecting this President & his inner circle. I watched as he called our service people & veterans " losers & suckers" yet enjoyed the top-notch treatment  from the staff at Walter Reed medical center-- in spite of his lack of military service. 

I'm tired of this tragic comedy & want the credits to roll. Yet he, his minions, and some members of Congress are fighting to keep this man away from prison. 

Get your popcorn, folx. Even when the Tangerine Toddler finally does leave office, we've awhile before we end this chapter of American history.  fair warning: I'm not " making nice" anytime soon. 


Sarah McCarren. 

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