Wednesday, January 6, 2021

" Home by Another Way"


                                                       Stacey Abrams: A true Patriot

Today is the Feast Of The Epiphany.  It is today that we recall the journey of the Three Wise People { Magi} to visit the Christ Child. 

Many people get caught up in the meaning of the gifts that these Magi offered the Holy Child. However, for me, it is telling how the Magi, after a prophetic dream, went home another way. 

Note, the DID NOT return to Herod, as they were ordered to do by the cruel king. 

In the middle of their mission, the aborted all operations and did an about-face. Their original mission failed. 

Yet the mission of God, to be born in human form-- succeeded. We know ' the rest of the story'. This Baby grew up to turn humanity upside down-- to bring about a new relationship between God the Creator and we humans. 

Scripture is silent regarding what happened to these three people when the did end their travels. Where did the go? Were they able to avoid Herod and live out their lives in safety? Or does " home another way" infer that these three people could not go " home" & therefore became refugees? 

We will never know. However, we DO know that the encounter with the Toddler Jesus changed these three people for the better. Somehow, they knew  that this Child is no ordinary child. In their wisdom, they listened to a prophetic dream and acted accordingly. 

The lesson for us today { and every day} is How can my daily encounter with Christ change me? When has an encounter with Christ caused you and me to turn around for the sake of standing up to evil? 

Happy Epiphany. 

Sarah McCarren

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