Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Day that Changed Modern America

                                                  Darkest day in American history since 9/11/01. 

DISCLAIMER: I am a registered Democrat. However, above all I am a Christ-follower *** and*** an American. My intent is not to divide, but to reset hearts & minds { including those of myself} the day after home-grown rioters  attacked the US Capitol building during the joint session of Congress who gathered to certify the election of the next President of the United States. 

A mob of angry people, mask-less and waving MAGA signs and Confederate Battle flags,  breeched Capitol security  and attempted to take over the Capitol--and prevent the transition of power to the new administration. 

I want to say that I don't blame honest Republicans for this attempted coup. I DO blame those who still support Donald Trump.  I can state several reasons as to why DJT  does not reflect true Republican values, but espouses all that is wrong with modern American exceptionalism. I'm not dissing the true Republican party--- as a more moderate fiscal Democrat I can see why some of their values can be good for this country. 

But Donald Trump's way is NOT American--- nor is it Republican. I agree that Republicans & Democrats each want what is best for our nation--- we merely do not agree on how to implement those ideas. 

Yesterday's attempted coup  was NOT representative of " we the people." It was NOT representative of the values of the real GOP.  Rather , it was a group of true-believers in the DJT Cult who decided to put their Dear Leader ahead of party or nation. A group of sore losers stormed our Capitol-- one of them actually giving up her life for the group's cause. 

This is NOT politics-- this is a dangerous cult who has clearly been organizing via the dark web { Parler } for weeks. The attack on our literal democracy was  an event that was carefully planned. 

I am angry and scared for the heart of my nation. 

Personally, this has caused me some minor-- yet very real-- losses. I've finally cut loose some { most } of my DJT-supporting contacts.  It breaks my heart to do so-- but after yesterday 's responses I knew it was time to cull the herd. While I welcome civilized discourse on my social media { and in person} , I cannot accept people in my life who still believe the lies perpetuated by DJT. 

My word for 2021 is RESET, and yesterday was a major wake-up call for me. For four years I'd watched as all the values with which I was raised come under attack. For the most part, I've done my best to be civil with those who supported this President.  Yesterday was a turning point for me: I'm done with being gentle with people who ardently still lean on Trump. 

Again, I am not saying all this to bash Republicans. I'm merely stating that I've had enough of Donald Trump's followers.  Against my better judgement, I remained gentle and non-confrontational regarding social media politics. I remained mindful that ' we the people" also includes people whos ideas don't align with mine. 

However, as a Christian and an American, I cannot and shall not coddle the people I know who are still supportive of the hatred that the last four years has brought to the surface. 

I love my country. and I hate how hate-filled some of her citizens are right now. 

My heart is broken but my resolve to " make good trouble" has been reset. 


Sarah McCarren


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