Friday, January 15, 2021

Power Pearls


   For real, Future Madame Vice President has it all: Brains, heart & drop-dead gorgeousness. She'd probably be the girl in school whom you wanted to hate for her beauty but loved her anyway because she's so awesome. 

  After four years of hatred, anger, pouting , and division, I am more than ready for this next Administration. Full disclosure: Joe Biden was not my first choice for the nominee. That being said, I am so grateful that Democrats nationwide realized that we needed to back the nominee--- regardless of our personal preferences. " Uncle Joe" is the person we need to reset our nation's moral compass, and he has the experience to deal with the bipartisanship that will be necessary as we move forward 

However, I am totally stoked to welcome Senator Kamala Harris as our new Vice President. Again , in the interest of full disclosure: Harris was among my top three candidate choices. She impressed me in the debates and came across as totally Presidential. 
  On Wednesday I'll be watching the Biden/Harris team make history as the first woman **** and *** Person-of-Color is sworn in as the nation's second-in-command. I will be 45 years old this spring, and it thrills me to see a woman who is not of my race  step in and be that " heartbeat away from the Presidency".  I'm thrilled because I think Kamala Harris is the right woman for the job.  As I watched the primary debates, she struck me as someone who, like Biden, leads with both head knowledge and heart-gut intuition. 

  When Biden told Americans that he had committed to asking a woman-of-color to be his running mate , my concern was tokenism.  The more I learn about Kamala Harris, the more I see that she is not a token.  She is more than qualified to be President, and is the sort of strong, no-nonsense person that is needed in the White House. 

   In the future Vice-President's honor, I've been wearing the simple strand of pearls that my late Grandmother. { Who was a force of nature in her own way} gifted to me two Christmases ago. Grandma Anne died in December, and the pearls have taken on another special significance in my life since then. I wear them to honor all strong women I know--- women who have been told we are ' too much ' { of anything}  . 

Here is an interesting fact about pearls: 
"Pearls have been tied to our notion of femininity since ancient times. In ancient Greece, the goddess Venus was said to have been born from the sea and was often depicted emerging from a clamshell. Over the ages, pearls have represented purity and virginity, and in modern times, a strand of pearls conveys that the wearer is dependable, ageless and measured. (The stones are much more discreet than diamonds.) A strand of pearls connotes a subtle sense of confidence and elegance, and says you want to make sure the conversation is about your agenda, not your appearance."
{ Jill Newman Town & Country Magazine   August 20, 2020 
 Okay, the entire " purity & virginity" is bullshit in my opinion, but I'm down with the rest of the description of pearls. I admit, that I feel myself stand a wee bit taller when I wear my pearls. For some reason, they connote a strength that is uniquely feminine.  Perhaps this is due to the manner in which an oyster makes a pearl. In order for pearls to form, an irritant must lodge inside of the shell of the oyster. Over time, the irritant is encased in a tough substance that the oyster itself secretes. This substance is called nacre: a substance composed of calcium carbonate  that is better-known as " mother-o-'pearl". Layers upon layers of this anti-irritant eventually forms what we know as pearls. 

Hmm, there is quite a lot to unpack. In the light of pears as a response to an irritant, I can see why they are symbols of feminine strength.  Although women have made huge strides in equality with men, an irritant in lives of many strong, vocal women is the patriarchy.  In my case, living through the four years of the Trump Administration  has made me stronger and more vocal to causes dear to me. 

A pivotal moment in the 2020 election for me was when Kamala Harris firmly let Mike Pence know  she was done with his speaking over her. Women, and especially women-of-color, get spoken over often when we are in a debate with men.  Harris' I'm speaking -- only two words --to Mike Pence reminded me that woman have a right and a responsibility to speak up. 

As we move forward as a nation, it is my hope that women-- especially nonwhite , LGBTQ+,  and other marginalized women remember to stand up and speak out. 

We are here to stay. 

Wear those pearls proudly! 


Sarah McCarren

15 January 2021

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