Wednesday, January 20, 2021

New Day. New Hope.

 "Madame VP" Original oil pastels & acrylic paint on canvass by Sarah McCarren 

CW: Very anti-Trump.....





400,000 people did not live to see today. However, I--- and everyone in my circles-- IS alive to see today.  

For many of us, it has been a long, rather unsettling four years.  When I recall how I felt when I woke on January 20, 2016 and contrast it to my general mood today it is like apples & bananas.  January 2016 was a day of uncertainty and a feeling of doom. Today I feel a sense of renewed hope. 

As of noon Eastern Standard Tine, Don Trump is not the President. 

Full disclosure: I am a Democrat. { and there is no shame in being a minority in this Red State } However, I am a Christian & an American before I swear fealty to any politician of any political stripe.  As a Christian  and American, I watched as America, under Don Trump's thumb, attempted to repeal all the progress made in the last hundred years. 

To be honest, these problems that were brought to the surface under Donnie T will still be present is this new Administration. Our incoming President does not own a Harry-Potteresque  magic wand that will make all the festering wounds in our nation heal immediately.  In order to fully heal, we need to listen to each other--- because I believe that most of those people who vote differently from me also love America--- they just see solutions for our problems in a different lens.  However, I know that Donald Trump's power gave voice and legitimacy to some very anti-American schools of thought. 

There is no room in my life for racism, sexism or heteronormativity. 

If people want to talk policy-making: come aboard. Grab a beer from the virtual fridge and let's chat. Let's cross party lines and talk about what might be good for all Americans. 

If your " patriotism" is rooted in White Supremacy { and you have shown your true feelings over the last few months) then I really have nothing to say to you. I saw how you celebrated Melania while disparaging Kamala { and Michelle, but that is a whole other can o 'worms}  I won't " slut-shame " DJT's wife, but will point out that some of his supporters made innuendo about our future Vice President's " sleeping her way to the top". The hypocrisy, fueled by racism , sexism and heteronormative standards has been a hallmark of the MAGA movement. 

In my opinion, MAGA --- not the true values of the Republican Party-- are what  nearly ruined this great nation. 

It is the retreat of MAGA that I celebrate today, along with an incoming Administration that is representative of all of us. Look at the bios and photos of the incoming team--- representation matters! 

God bless this great nation. Today, I'll wear my pearls and hold my head a wee bit higher. 

Sarah McCarren

20 January 2021. 


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