Thursday, January 21, 2021

1/21/21 Let That Light In!


                                   Meme with a quote from Amanda Gorman, poet. 

Bruce, " The Boss"  Springsteen sang these words last night:

"Leave behind your sorrows
Let this day be the last
Tomorrow there'll be sunshine
And all this darkness past
Big wheels roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in a land of hope and dreams"

We here in Northwest Florida were gifted with an amazing winter sunrise. I snapped a photo of my view of the heavenly colors from my east-facing porch.

Sunrise over Northeast Pensacola. God showing off. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

I feel good. I feel relieved. 

However, our work as Americans has just begun. The new Administration inherits a badly-divided national soul. COVID is still running wild, and the destruction to the nation's economy is overwhelming. Racism, sexism, homophobia & ableism still exist--- and shall exist in the shadows  until we ALL commit to eradicating these toxic " isms". 

President Biden is a solid, proven leader. However, he is only one person-- and a person whom many Americans did not want as President. 

I voted for him, and am proud of my choice. He was not my first choice, but I chose whom I thought in my head & heart who could help start to heal my beloved nation. 

However, I remember how I felt four years ago as I saw Donald Trump take the reigns.  It was hard to swallow--- as I sensed that he would be terrible for this nation. 

 How I wish my " spidey-sense" had been wrong.  { As an empath I often get premonitions regarding future events--- and sadly I've not been wrong much} Trump's reign was worse than I'd sensed on January 20 2016. 

Now that we've turned a new page in our national story, I want to feel safe again. But I do not: there has been too much trauma from the verbal abuse & the actions incited by the former President. 

Yet in spite of the toxic " America First" { meaning White America} I saw some light shine through these past four years. I met some of the most amazing friends { Hello, ReSisters of Pensacola!}  through the Women's March movement. I volunteered on a Congressional campaign, where I met some more fabulous Northwest Floridians.  The hatred thrown as Jewish-Americans  by people who do not understand my mother's people's culture encouraged me to get in touch with my Ashkenazi half & learn about The American Jewish experience. 

As everything that I'd been taught to espouse was attacked by  Q-Anon and other extremists, I stood taller in knowing and celebrating my authentic self. 

As we walk further into Year 2021, I'll re-commit to being that Light-Bearer. As we are able  to, I'll look for ways that I can bring hope & light to others. I'll { after a lot of self-work} be a bridge builder with people who think differently from me. 

It is  new day. 

Let's work together to be Light-bearers. 

~Sarah McCarren 

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