Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Never Forget : 2021 Edition

                                        Remembrance candles. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

Today the world observes International Holocaust remembrance Day. On this date back in 1945, the death camps were liberated. 

The atrocities that took place at Auschwitz  are some of the worst crimes that humans have committed against each other. 

Seventy-five years later, I wonder if Americans-- and the world-- have learned anything  from The Holocaust. 

Two decades after " Y2K" and people are still seeking to harm ' the other" Whom this ' other is depends on many factors, such as nationality, race, religion and sexual attraction and/or gender identity.  In January of 2021, America-- and the world is reeling from a pandemic. 

2021 still carries the remnants of last year's mess. As if a deadly virus was not enough, we still suffer from the effects of the last year of the most divisive American Presidential Administration in my lifetime. ( if not ever}  

Yet the MAGA movement, steeped deep in White Supremacy, is a mere symptom of a more pervasive and deadly illness. 

I am calling it by its proper name. The  disease that will remain in society long after we eradicate COVID-19 is White Supremacy. 

As a Christian, I've had to do some deep soul-work to sit with the uncomfortable fact that White American Christians have been and continue to be the power source for the continuing narrative of White Supremacy. All Christian denominations are guilty of benefiting from racism and upholding White Supremacy-- including The Episcopal Church as a whole.  Many of us in my parish family are earnestly working to educate ourselves about how to best be anti-racist-- and for me that journey began with a history lesson back in 2018. For me, understanding my own denomination's complacency in the past regarding racism. 

On this day, I think of the 6 million Jewish people who were murdered merely for being Jewish. Due to my heritage, Holocaust Remembrance Day isn't merely theoretical. 

Y'all, those folx murdered would have had descendants who could have been my people. My ancestors are among the lucky ones--- escaping Eastern Europe before the Nazis imprisoned them for the " crime" of their ethnicity. 

On this day, I also think of all the Black people who were starved in the underbelly of a slave ship as they sailed The Middle Passage. My heart aches for those who survived this hellish journey, as their descendants were forced to work for White families and were bought and sold like cattle. 

George Floyd's murder brought to the light the dark, sinister reality that is White Supremacy. People, mainly men and boys, still are brutalized by authorities  simply because their skin carries more pigment than those of us with European ancestry. 

In Pittsburgh, a neo-Nazi gunman murdered eleven people in a synagogue simply for their Jewishness. Is this personal to me? Damn right it is personal: I have family members who worship at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. 

Today is not a " remembrance" for me. It is a stark reminder of the evils that are Nationalism & White Supremacy. 

I will not forget. 

Sarah McCarren

27 January 2021

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

" Brown Girl, Brown Girl Poem by Leslie Honore and What It Means to Me, A " White Girl"


Clearly I am NOT a " Brown Girl", being of Celtic and Ashkenazi { Urkraine} stock.  But, I AM a} a woman and b} an Auntie to a wonderful " Brown Girl". Photo by Brian 

I cannot claim authorship of this poem, but it warmed my heart nonetheless. The poet's name is Leslie Honore. Here is her poem :

"Brown girl brown girl
What do you see
I see a Vice President
That looks like me
Brown girl brown girl
What do you do
I fought I hoped
I spoke what was true
Brown girl brown girl
What do you know
That there are strong women
Who want me to grow
Brown girl brown girl
What do you feel
Will help us all heal
Brown girl brown girl
What do you see
A world that sees my skin
before it sees me
Brown girl brown girl
Whatcha gonna do
March, fight and create
Till I make this world new
Brown girl brown girl
How are you so strong
'Cause I got Queens in my blood
To help push me along"

It has almost been one week since the new Administration has moved in & I am still in awe of the wonderful reality that someone of my gender occupies the second-highest office in the nation. Although my heritage is neither Black nor Brown, I celebrate Kamala Harris' history-making alongside my sisters-of-color. As a White woman, I cannot pretend to understand their reality , but I can and do celebrate our first female ** and** person-of-color Vice President.

I spent a lot of Year 2020 owning up to the fact that my Whiteness -- and nothing more than Whiteness--- affords me the privilege that my sisters-of-color do not enjoy. I've honed some active listening skills and sat with my discomfort as some of these women told their stories about being both Black & female in 21st-century America.

We have made BIG strides in equality, and in spite of the previous Administration's attempts to roll back civil rights for women & people-of-color, equality prevailed.

My beautiful niece and nephew { ages 5 and 7 } will see parts of their heritage mirrored in Vice President Harris. My niece, especially, will grow up unaware that for over 200 years, women were not represented in the West Wing. Furthermore, she now sees a woman whose skin tone is close to her own as the person who is second-in-command.

Feminism , in order to work, must be intersectional. Perhaps we White women can use the historic election of Vice President Harris as a catalyst for listening to our sisters-of-color tell their stories. Let us model for girls the strength that comes from women-- ALL women-- uniting to change the world for the better.

Also, I am reminded that feminism in also for our trans sisters. Too often, women's rights leave out the issues of women who, unlike me, were not assigned female at birth. Trans women are women, and they deserve a seat at the Big Table .

Wear those pearls! Let us concentrate on lifting each other up as we move forward as American women.


Sarah McCarren

Friday, January 22, 2021


  Top: Madame Vice President Kamala Harris. Bottom: St Brigid Of Ireland. These are the first two pieces in a series of portraits I call " My Wonder Women"  Original art by Sarah Beth McCarren  C 2020 { Brigid} and 2021 { Madame VP} 

I've never fancied myself much of a portrait-painter. I've carried a fear that I will screw up a person's likeness. 

 However, with all the weirdness of Pandemic Life and my desire to express my strong feminist views in art, I challenged myself to paint women whose stories inspire me. 

 For my first attempt, I chose St Brigid of Ireland, a Saint who is { along with St Patrick} credited with peacefully bringing Christianity to the Celtic people. Brigid, like myself, was born of interfaith parents. Her father was a pagan chief and her mother was one of the slaves who converted to Christianity.  Brigid's intimate knowledge & appreciation of both her faith { learned from her mother} and the pagan traditions of many of the Celts put her in a unique position to evangelize without resorting to tactics that could be seen as attempts at cultural erasure. 

Brigid shows me how to " bridge" gaps to bring people together.  She has also inspired me to learn more about the faith of my mom's Jewish family. 

Brigid is also the patron saint of beer { Yes, there is a miracle story there} . Yup, Beer-drinkers  can unite around Brigid's fire pit and swap stories in the tradition of the Irish storytellers. 

Look up St Brigid of Ireland for more fascinating lore about her life. 

I chose to paint our Vice President because she is beautiful.  While my hand did not do justice to her natural beauty I did my best to paint a likeness of someone I see as a strong, confident leader who happens to be a woman-of-color.  Like myself and St Brigid, Vice President Harris { Its wonderful and odd to say those words together}  is the child of an interfaith marriage.  

However, unlike me, Harris is the daughter of two immigrants. Her mother came to the United States from India as a very young woman, and married her father, an immigrant from Jamaica. The Vice President is Christian, but credits some basic Hindu principles as guides in her life. In a year where I've began to learn more about the history and traditions of my mother's Jewish kin I find kin-ship with our multi-ethnic Vice-President

I am not sure who the next woman in this series of portraits will be, as I am blessed with so many awesome women--- both women I know personally & women in history & current public life. 

May we all seek to be strong, vocal, tenacious women. Lets show the next generation that feminine  strength is alive and well now and  will be. 


Sarah McCarren 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

1/21/21 Let That Light In!


                                   Meme with a quote from Amanda Gorman, poet. 

Bruce, " The Boss"  Springsteen sang these words last night:

"Leave behind your sorrows
Let this day be the last
Tomorrow there'll be sunshine
And all this darkness past
Big wheels roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in a land of hope and dreams"

We here in Northwest Florida were gifted with an amazing winter sunrise. I snapped a photo of my view of the heavenly colors from my east-facing porch.

Sunrise over Northeast Pensacola. God showing off. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

I feel good. I feel relieved. 

However, our work as Americans has just begun. The new Administration inherits a badly-divided national soul. COVID is still running wild, and the destruction to the nation's economy is overwhelming. Racism, sexism, homophobia & ableism still exist--- and shall exist in the shadows  until we ALL commit to eradicating these toxic " isms". 

President Biden is a solid, proven leader. However, he is only one person-- and a person whom many Americans did not want as President. 

I voted for him, and am proud of my choice. He was not my first choice, but I chose whom I thought in my head & heart who could help start to heal my beloved nation. 

However, I remember how I felt four years ago as I saw Donald Trump take the reigns.  It was hard to swallow--- as I sensed that he would be terrible for this nation. 

 How I wish my " spidey-sense" had been wrong.  { As an empath I often get premonitions regarding future events--- and sadly I've not been wrong much} Trump's reign was worse than I'd sensed on January 20 2016. 

Now that we've turned a new page in our national story, I want to feel safe again. But I do not: there has been too much trauma from the verbal abuse & the actions incited by the former President. 

Yet in spite of the toxic " America First" { meaning White America} I saw some light shine through these past four years. I met some of the most amazing friends { Hello, ReSisters of Pensacola!}  through the Women's March movement. I volunteered on a Congressional campaign, where I met some more fabulous Northwest Floridians.  The hatred thrown as Jewish-Americans  by people who do not understand my mother's people's culture encouraged me to get in touch with my Ashkenazi half & learn about The American Jewish experience. 

As everything that I'd been taught to espouse was attacked by  Q-Anon and other extremists, I stood taller in knowing and celebrating my authentic self. 

As we walk further into Year 2021, I'll re-commit to being that Light-Bearer. As we are able  to, I'll look for ways that I can bring hope & light to others. I'll { after a lot of self-work} be a bridge builder with people who think differently from me. 

It is  new day. 

Let's work together to be Light-bearers. 

~Sarah McCarren 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

New Day. New Hope.

 "Madame VP" Original oil pastels & acrylic paint on canvass by Sarah McCarren 

CW: Very anti-Trump.....





400,000 people did not live to see today. However, I--- and everyone in my circles-- IS alive to see today.  

For many of us, it has been a long, rather unsettling four years.  When I recall how I felt when I woke on January 20, 2016 and contrast it to my general mood today it is like apples & bananas.  January 2016 was a day of uncertainty and a feeling of doom. Today I feel a sense of renewed hope. 

As of noon Eastern Standard Tine, Don Trump is not the President. 

Full disclosure: I am a Democrat. { and there is no shame in being a minority in this Red State } However, I am a Christian & an American before I swear fealty to any politician of any political stripe.  As a Christian  and American, I watched as America, under Don Trump's thumb, attempted to repeal all the progress made in the last hundred years. 

To be honest, these problems that were brought to the surface under Donnie T will still be present is this new Administration. Our incoming President does not own a Harry-Potteresque  magic wand that will make all the festering wounds in our nation heal immediately.  In order to fully heal, we need to listen to each other--- because I believe that most of those people who vote differently from me also love America--- they just see solutions for our problems in a different lens.  However, I know that Donald Trump's power gave voice and legitimacy to some very anti-American schools of thought. 

There is no room in my life for racism, sexism or heteronormativity. 

If people want to talk policy-making: come aboard. Grab a beer from the virtual fridge and let's chat. Let's cross party lines and talk about what might be good for all Americans. 

If your " patriotism" is rooted in White Supremacy { and you have shown your true feelings over the last few months) then I really have nothing to say to you. I saw how you celebrated Melania while disparaging Kamala { and Michelle, but that is a whole other can o 'worms}  I won't " slut-shame " DJT's wife, but will point out that some of his supporters made innuendo about our future Vice President's " sleeping her way to the top". The hypocrisy, fueled by racism , sexism and heteronormative standards has been a hallmark of the MAGA movement. 

In my opinion, MAGA --- not the true values of the Republican Party-- are what  nearly ruined this great nation. 

It is the retreat of MAGA that I celebrate today, along with an incoming Administration that is representative of all of us. Look at the bios and photos of the incoming team--- representation matters! 

God bless this great nation. Today, I'll wear my pearls and hold my head a wee bit higher. 

Sarah McCarren

20 January 2021. 


Friday, January 15, 2021

Power Pearls


   For real, Future Madame Vice President has it all: Brains, heart & drop-dead gorgeousness. She'd probably be the girl in school whom you wanted to hate for her beauty but loved her anyway because she's so awesome. 

  After four years of hatred, anger, pouting , and division, I am more than ready for this next Administration. Full disclosure: Joe Biden was not my first choice for the nominee. That being said, I am so grateful that Democrats nationwide realized that we needed to back the nominee--- regardless of our personal preferences. " Uncle Joe" is the person we need to reset our nation's moral compass, and he has the experience to deal with the bipartisanship that will be necessary as we move forward 

However, I am totally stoked to welcome Senator Kamala Harris as our new Vice President. Again , in the interest of full disclosure: Harris was among my top three candidate choices. She impressed me in the debates and came across as totally Presidential. 
  On Wednesday I'll be watching the Biden/Harris team make history as the first woman **** and *** Person-of-Color is sworn in as the nation's second-in-command. I will be 45 years old this spring, and it thrills me to see a woman who is not of my race  step in and be that " heartbeat away from the Presidency".  I'm thrilled because I think Kamala Harris is the right woman for the job.  As I watched the primary debates, she struck me as someone who, like Biden, leads with both head knowledge and heart-gut intuition. 

  When Biden told Americans that he had committed to asking a woman-of-color to be his running mate , my concern was tokenism.  The more I learn about Kamala Harris, the more I see that she is not a token.  She is more than qualified to be President, and is the sort of strong, no-nonsense person that is needed in the White House. 

   In the future Vice-President's honor, I've been wearing the simple strand of pearls that my late Grandmother. { Who was a force of nature in her own way} gifted to me two Christmases ago. Grandma Anne died in December, and the pearls have taken on another special significance in my life since then. I wear them to honor all strong women I know--- women who have been told we are ' too much ' { of anything}  . 

Here is an interesting fact about pearls: 
"Pearls have been tied to our notion of femininity since ancient times. In ancient Greece, the goddess Venus was said to have been born from the sea and was often depicted emerging from a clamshell. Over the ages, pearls have represented purity and virginity, and in modern times, a strand of pearls conveys that the wearer is dependable, ageless and measured. (The stones are much more discreet than diamonds.) A strand of pearls connotes a subtle sense of confidence and elegance, and says you want to make sure the conversation is about your agenda, not your appearance."
{ Jill Newman Town & Country Magazine   August 20, 2020 
 Okay, the entire " purity & virginity" is bullshit in my opinion, but I'm down with the rest of the description of pearls. I admit, that I feel myself stand a wee bit taller when I wear my pearls. For some reason, they connote a strength that is uniquely feminine.  Perhaps this is due to the manner in which an oyster makes a pearl. In order for pearls to form, an irritant must lodge inside of the shell of the oyster. Over time, the irritant is encased in a tough substance that the oyster itself secretes. This substance is called nacre: a substance composed of calcium carbonate  that is better-known as " mother-o-'pearl". Layers upon layers of this anti-irritant eventually forms what we know as pearls. 

Hmm, there is quite a lot to unpack. In the light of pears as a response to an irritant, I can see why they are symbols of feminine strength.  Although women have made huge strides in equality with men, an irritant in lives of many strong, vocal women is the patriarchy.  In my case, living through the four years of the Trump Administration  has made me stronger and more vocal to causes dear to me. 

A pivotal moment in the 2020 election for me was when Kamala Harris firmly let Mike Pence know  she was done with his speaking over her. Women, and especially women-of-color, get spoken over often when we are in a debate with men.  Harris' I'm speaking -- only two words --to Mike Pence reminded me that woman have a right and a responsibility to speak up. 

As we move forward as a nation, it is my hope that women-- especially nonwhite , LGBTQ+,  and other marginalized women remember to stand up and speak out. 

We are here to stay. 

Wear those pearls proudly! 


Sarah McCarren

15 January 2021

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Still " Not Ready To Make Nice"

                Candles burning and fresh herbs as a ritual offering  at my home altar. Photo By The Pensacola Hippie. 

Y'all I am PISSED. 

A big group of sore losers tried to take over our National Capital by force. And , according to people who are monitoring the Dark Web, these  traitorous s goons are planning more chaos for the week of the Biden Transition. 

As much as I've tried to stay away from mixing politics with faith , I've come to an impasse regarding Donald Trump and people who still support him. 

There has been a call among we Christians for " Unity" during this time. While I understand the need for unity in theory,  I call B.S right now. 

These people are traitors. Anyone who still supports Donald Trump's failed attempt to sway this election in his favor support a traitor. I've no interest in pursuing conversation with them right now regarding the how and why of Donald Trump's loss. 

 Rep Sean Patrick Maloney, { D New York} said very succinctly :

     “And there’s right now only two sides to this debate: there’s the Constitution and there is the mob"

Yup. I do not even want to hear from people who still support Trump's attempt to literally steal the Presidency via a violent mob. I've had to cut of one long-term acquaintance who insisted that the DC riot " was not too bad. "Again, I call B.S.

Perhaps later on I'll find room in my mind & heart to listen to what Trump supporters have to say regarding their blind loyalty to this con man, but not right now.

People have literally fought & died to protect our democracy. Real patriots { and their families} have been resisting tyranny since 1776.

I love my nation-- in spite of all her flaws.

I am the great-granddaughter of Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants. I have no time nor patience for neo-Nazis.

My nephew & niece are mixed-race. I've no tolerance for any -- either overt or { worse in so many ways} covert racism.

I am still in my child-bearing years. My uterus is not up for discussion. { especially by ancient , rich old White men who have probably paid for their share of secret abortions}

My loved ones who are married to spouses of the same gender as they deserve the same protection as my heterosexual marriage.

For those reasons, and many other reasons not stated, I AM NOT READY TO ' MAKE NICE" with people who are faithful to Mr Trump. For my own sanity, I'll need to love them from a long distance .


Sarah McCarren


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

And get your popcorn....

 Oy vey!!

Almost one week after Donald Trump sat and watched his minions storm the Capitol during a meeting of the Joint Session of Congress, there is talk in that same hall about impeaching him for a second time in four years. no other President has been impeached more than once. 

Sadly, I have little faith in the system, as DJT managed to squeak by the Constitution on many occasions. As much as I want to believe that the lawmakers finally see who this person is--- I have doubts. 

Donald Trump, by sitting by as his most rabid supporters stormed the legislature building-- a stunt that left five people dead--is responsible for inciting this treasonous acts.  By remaining quiet, he spoke loud and clearly what he wished for our great nation--- for himself to continue his reign of ineptitude. 

For four years--- in the name of " unity" I sat and watched as this outgoing President attempted to tear down all that I've been taught to cherish about life in America. I watched silently as he unsuccessful attempted to strip away the rights of Black & Brown-skinned people, religious minorities { such as Jews & Muslims} , and rolling back the earned rights of women & LGBTQ+ persons  I watched as a radical neo-Nazi walked into a Pittsburgh synagogue and gunned down eleven innocent people. I prayed with my friends who are married to spouses of their same gender as marriage equality became " up for discussion again. 

In 2020 I gave up much in order to keep myself & others safe from a deadly virus while Donald Trump continued to insist that scientists were wrong and he alone was to be trusted. I watched as COVID spread across the nation -- even affecting this President & his inner circle. I watched as he called our service people & veterans " losers & suckers" yet enjoyed the top-notch treatment  from the staff at Walter Reed medical center-- in spite of his lack of military service. 

I'm tired of this tragic comedy & want the credits to roll. Yet he, his minions, and some members of Congress are fighting to keep this man away from prison. 

Get your popcorn, folx. Even when the Tangerine Toddler finally does leave office, we've awhile before we end this chapter of American history.  fair warning: I'm not " making nice" anytime soon. 


Sarah McCarren. 

Saturday, January 9, 2021

I Cannot......will not Forget.....

                                        My Celtic Christian altar at home. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 


"Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will also be in our troubled world.”
~ Etty Hillesum, who died in Auschwitz in 1943 at the age of 29. From An Interrupted Life, a compilation of her diaries and letters.

I'm still reeling from Wednesday's attack on Americans. While the  foreign invasion by  radicals on September 11 2001 left behind a staggering amount of carnage and loss of human life, the attack on The Capitol seems more insidious to me. 

                    The attacks of September 2001 were planned , orchestrated and carried out by individuals from hostile nations. Wednesday's attack was planned and carried out by Americans--- people who live and work in our everyday lives. 

                    I'm frightened. Although I do not hang around with any known hard-core White Nationalists, racism { including anti-Semitism } exists as a truth for people I know. As I've stated before in many social media posts, this hatred DOES NOT reflect the values of the traditional GOP. As a matter of fact, the Party Of Abraham Lincoln was the party that freed the slaves.  How the party of Lincoln splintered into Party Of Hatred has a long , sordid story. 

                    I want to find peace in the wake of this disaster, but my heart is too heavy.  For the first time in my life, I feel shame in my Whiteness--- all of the rioters shared the same lack of melanin as I do. It bothers me that I know and love some people who still refuse to see what systematic racism is and how they benefit from Whiteness. 

              Already I am weary of the conspiracy theories that are being put forth by some people. In spite of growing evidence to the contrary. Loyalists refuse to believe that their Dear Leader would encourage such behavior-- and insist that " Antifa" { Whatever that may be.... no one really seems to know} is responsible. 

            To me, this horrendous act against our democracy is a result of years of stoking the fires of White Supremacy. Donald Trump--- as much as I hate him--- is not the cause of what happened on Wednesday--- loyalty to him is a result of YEARS of Angry White Folx. 

          Donald Trump legitimizes the base beliefs of White Nationalists. To them " making America great again" means returning the locus of power to an exclusively White male population. They are threatened by Black & Brown people gaining positions of power. They are angry that our Vice President is a Woman of Color married to a Jewish man. 

        To them, Trump represents the last power of a dying breed of Americans. Barak Obama's election to the Presidency angered many of these " closeted racists" , and Trump's ascension brought them some perceived legitimacy. 

       When the election was called for Joe Biden, I sensed that there will be more trouble coming. As a  matter of fact, I dreamed that the Capitol was invaded by insurgents--- but thankfully reality was a lot less bloody than was my dream. As more is discovered by investigators it worries me how much destruction that the rioters  had planned for that day.  Despite what the right will shout- this was not meant to be a peaceful demonstration. 

     Closeted racists attempted to takeover the American seat of Democracy. White men, proudly wearing anti-Sematic shirts and carrying Confederate battle flags, attempted to terrorize Black , Brown and Ashkenazi Jewish Americans. They reminded me { again} that people here still hate Jewish Americans. As a Christian, and someone who resemble her Celtic-American father's people, I know I carry privilege that my Jewish kin do not enjoy. 

     If I had any patience left for Trump-supporters after Wednesday, I'm DONE. 

    I am desperately trying to find my own peace in the mess, but I cannot--- because AMERICANS hate other Americans enough to follow a defeated politician into an attempted coup. 

   Y'all, I CANNOT FORGET  , That's all. I cannot forget Wednesday, January 6. 2021. 

     No more silence. I'm speaking. 

   ~Sarah McCarren


Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Day that Changed Modern America

                                                  Darkest day in American history since 9/11/01. 

DISCLAIMER: I am a registered Democrat. However, above all I am a Christ-follower *** and*** an American. My intent is not to divide, but to reset hearts & minds { including those of myself} the day after home-grown rioters  attacked the US Capitol building during the joint session of Congress who gathered to certify the election of the next President of the United States. 

A mob of angry people, mask-less and waving MAGA signs and Confederate Battle flags,  breeched Capitol security  and attempted to take over the Capitol--and prevent the transition of power to the new administration. 

I want to say that I don't blame honest Republicans for this attempted coup. I DO blame those who still support Donald Trump.  I can state several reasons as to why DJT  does not reflect true Republican values, but espouses all that is wrong with modern American exceptionalism. I'm not dissing the true Republican party--- as a more moderate fiscal Democrat I can see why some of their values can be good for this country. 

But Donald Trump's way is NOT American--- nor is it Republican. I agree that Republicans & Democrats each want what is best for our nation--- we merely do not agree on how to implement those ideas. 

Yesterday's attempted coup  was NOT representative of " we the people." It was NOT representative of the values of the real GOP.  Rather , it was a group of true-believers in the DJT Cult who decided to put their Dear Leader ahead of party or nation. A group of sore losers stormed our Capitol-- one of them actually giving up her life for the group's cause. 

This is NOT politics-- this is a dangerous cult who has clearly been organizing via the dark web { Parler } for weeks. The attack on our literal democracy was  an event that was carefully planned. 

I am angry and scared for the heart of my nation. 

Personally, this has caused me some minor-- yet very real-- losses. I've finally cut loose some { most } of my DJT-supporting contacts.  It breaks my heart to do so-- but after yesterday 's responses I knew it was time to cull the herd. While I welcome civilized discourse on my social media { and in person} , I cannot accept people in my life who still believe the lies perpetuated by DJT. 

My word for 2021 is RESET, and yesterday was a major wake-up call for me. For four years I'd watched as all the values with which I was raised come under attack. For the most part, I've done my best to be civil with those who supported this President.  Yesterday was a turning point for me: I'm done with being gentle with people who ardently still lean on Trump. 

Again, I am not saying all this to bash Republicans. I'm merely stating that I've had enough of Donald Trump's followers.  Against my better judgement, I remained gentle and non-confrontational regarding social media politics. I remained mindful that ' we the people" also includes people whos ideas don't align with mine. 

However, as a Christian and an American, I cannot and shall not coddle the people I know who are still supportive of the hatred that the last four years has brought to the surface. 

I love my country. and I hate how hate-filled some of her citizens are right now. 

My heart is broken but my resolve to " make good trouble" has been reset. 


Sarah McCarren


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

" Home by Another Way"


                                                       Stacey Abrams: A true Patriot

Today is the Feast Of The Epiphany.  It is today that we recall the journey of the Three Wise People { Magi} to visit the Christ Child. 

Many people get caught up in the meaning of the gifts that these Magi offered the Holy Child. However, for me, it is telling how the Magi, after a prophetic dream, went home another way. 

Note, the DID NOT return to Herod, as they were ordered to do by the cruel king. 

In the middle of their mission, the aborted all operations and did an about-face. Their original mission failed. 

Yet the mission of God, to be born in human form-- succeeded. We know ' the rest of the story'. This Baby grew up to turn humanity upside down-- to bring about a new relationship between God the Creator and we humans. 

Scripture is silent regarding what happened to these three people when the did end their travels. Where did the go? Were they able to avoid Herod and live out their lives in safety? Or does " home another way" infer that these three people could not go " home" & therefore became refugees? 

We will never know. However, we DO know that the encounter with the Toddler Jesus changed these three people for the better. Somehow, they knew  that this Child is no ordinary child. In their wisdom, they listened to a prophetic dream and acted accordingly. 

The lesson for us today { and every day} is How can my daily encounter with Christ change me? When has an encounter with Christ caused you and me to turn around for the sake of standing up to evil? 

Happy Epiphany. 

Sarah McCarren

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Friday, January 1, 2021



                                                          HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2021! 

Yup. We made it through the worst year of my lifetime. To be honest, I am grateful to have made it to today without losing anyone I love to COVID. 

As is my custom, I have chosen a " star word" for 2021. This word came to me today as I was reading my morning devotions. New Years are not " magic pills" that " make all that is bad good". Rather, each January 1, we are given a chance to reset our lives.  After the total debacle that was the year 2020-- I know I need to reset my heart.  As it becomes possible, I also need to reset some priorities that had to stay locked up due to the pandemic. 

I'll make efforts to spend less time online & more time with people I love.  This pandemic has taught me that a virtual life--- as necessary as it is during a pandemic--- is a pale comparison for face-to-face QUALITY time with loved ones. As it becomes safe to do so-- this introvert will relish in social time with others! 

In order to help me reset my mind & soul, I've adopted a practice of keeping a gratitude journal. 2020 has shown me that active gratitude is essential to a well-balanced life. Additionally, this past year's horrors has shown me that there are things for which to be thankful. It was hard in 2020, so it is my hope that journaling will help me adopt a daily practice of gratitude. 

I look forward to a season of healing, both personally and as a society. We are gifted yet another calendar year--- it is up to each of us to do the required work to make it a good one. 


Sarah McCarren

1 January 2021.