Monday, December 27, 2021

Goals, Not Resolutions

 Here we are, almost ready to kiss Year 2021 goodbye. For me, it is not a moment too soon. What I'd hoped for in 2021 did not materialize, and in some ways, there was more " suckitude" in 2021 than there was in 2020. I'd had my heart broken several times this year-- mostly by people whom I'd thought I'd known. 

Covid is still here, due to some selfish people who value their " freedom" more than doing their part to save lives. Yesterday I bought myself some more three-ply masks with cute prints at the CVS-- since it looks like they will be a necessary accessory for the responsible Americans for the near future. And by golly--- we might as well keep making masks a fashion statement. 

I do not believe in Resolutions.  However, I do strive to be the best version of myself. Without further ado, here are my 2022 goals:

~ I plan to eat more {volume} food. I am too thin, and my malnutrition & dehydration landed me in the emergency room of the local hospital. I also plan to continue my mostly plant-based protein menu-- allowing myself the occasional meat product. I've discovered that I feel much better on a plant-based eating plan.  I just need to stay mindful of my nutrition & hydration intake. 

~ I plan to journal. After Doc died, I was fairly faithful with journal-keeping, but I'd fallen off that wagon during these holidays. Mom and Dad bought me one of those guided journals as a Christmas gift, and I find that the prompts are helpful. 

~I plan to do some serious work on dealing with people & situations that are " button pushers" I need to learn to respond, rather than to react to situations or people who anger or sadden me. Part of this will involve a Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent, as I've learned that having my self- pity/anger buttons pushed by people or situations beyond my control is not good for my emotional nor spiritual health. 

~I plan to SAFELY spend time with loved ones. One of the hardest parts of losing my dear friend in late September is that COVID robbed us of an entire year where we could have made more memories before she became so sick. I know that it was necessary, but my heart still hurts that keeping each other safe precluded me from spending quality in-person time with a woman who gifted me with the change to really know her. The climate in Florida makes safer, outdoor gatherings possible. 

Stay safe this last week of Sucky Year : Part Two. 


Sarah McCarren 


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