Thursday, December 16, 2021

Anne-Lynne goes to PegLeg Pete's and Pensacola Beach #AdventuresWithAnneLynne

   Anne-Lynne went on her first adventure today. In the middle of the stress of the season, Brian and I observed Advent by taking a mental healt day {for me more than for Brian} on Pensacola Beach. Anne-Lynne hitched a ride in my purse-- apparently, she does not want to wait until the calendar changes to start her adventures! 

  Brian and I walked on the small Pensacola Beach boardwalk. It was quiet and empty, as the shops were just beginning to open when we arrived. It looks like there are repairs being made at the Quietwater Beach dock, so we did not stroll out to the dock as we like to do on boardwalk visits. The boardwalk is festively decorated for te season, including a HUGE wreath on the shell-shaped outdoor stage on the waterfront. 

 We then drove down the beach road to Peg Leg Pete's a seafood restaurant that is special to Brian and me for several reasons. It was here that we went on our first " official" date and it is also where we celebrate birthdays & anniversaries. Brian's birthday is later this month. 

                         Anne-Lynne hanging out with The Man himself-- Pete. Photo by the author 
We arrived at opening time {the ONLY way to eat at Peg Leg's} and were seated. Brian ordered the grouper sandwich basket, and I chose my usual-- fried shrimp basket. Brian ate my cole slaw, since I don't like cabbage. We sat on the porch and felt comfortable dining outside.  Honestly, for a FRESH seafood meal, Peg Leg Pete's is the best in our area. {and I AM NOT paid to endorse them!}

We then parked at one of the Gulf-side pavilion areas and breathed in the salt air as the sand cushioned our feet.  the tide brought in many se shells, so our walk was peppered by me stooping to gather shells. the Gulf water was churning, and no one was swimming, kayaking or surfing. A couple men fished from shore, but we did not see any fishing boats on the horizon. My hair whipped free around my shoulders, and I breathed in the salty, fresh air. 

Beach trips invigorate me. Salt air and salt water has a primal healing quality that soothes my soul. 

We are blessed to call the Florida Northern Gulf Coast our home. 

~Sarah McCarren

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