Friday, December 10, 2021

#AdventWord #repent


   Repent is today's word. I've no appropriate photo illustration, so y'all will just get my word salad today. 

   The dictionary defines repent: 

 1.      to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life

2ato feel regret or contrition
bto change one's mind. 
After almost two years of living in Pandemic Life I keep hoping and praying for everyone to repent-- to change one's mind-- regarding vaccines for COVID19. My area is still {thankfully} low on numbers of new cases, but other areas of this nation are not so fortunate. I'm still careful in social situations, but I do not feel the need to return to isolation. I do not understand how people put their misguided notions of " freedom" before complying with a simple request to receive {free-of-charge for ALL} series of shots. Daily I read stories of bedraggled healthcare workers and overcrowded hospital wards and it breaks my heart. People's hearts are still hardened, and it is costing lives. Almost all of the deaths from COVID are from un-vaccinated patients. Furthermore, the new variant seems to attack younger people at a more deadly rate. yet some refuse to repent and tend to the health of the entire community. As much as I resent masking, I don a face cover every time I am in public among strangers. Masks are hot uncomfortable and muffle my voice. Yet I wear them because I know that my action protects both myself and other people. Y'all-- it is NOT " all about me"  Repent, grow up and think of others. Vaccinate. Amen. Sarah McCarren12/10/21

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