Thursday, December 2, 2021

#AdventWord #Justice

                                                   Quote from the movie _ The Green Mile_ 

Today's word is JUSTICE. 

Whew, that is one loaded word right now!  There is a lot that I can say about justice, but I try hard to NOT point fingers and anger trolls. 

Oftentimes, we think of " justice" as a conviction or acquittal in a courtroom. Justice of this sort also looks different-- what might be " justice" for one side of a courtroom drama is anything but fair to the opposite side. 

There is so much work that we need to do to bring about true justice.  

 Honestly, we need to return to the basic Golden Rule, a version of which is found in every religious/ cultural system worldwide. 

Treat others as we want others to treat us. 

It is that simple, people. Don't be a shithead. 

Furthermore, we need to strive for justice in all taht we say and in how we interact with others-- especially others who do not look, pray, love, or speak as we do. 

" Justice" IS NOT only for " just us". 


Sarah McCarren


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