Tuesday, November 30, 2021

#AdventWord #Soul

                                          Photo of my dear departed friend. This was used as her obituary photo, so I do not know whose work I share. 

Today's word is SOUL. 

 I am mindful that these holidays--- along with every holiday season-- can be hard on people who have lost loved ones this past year. 

 This year, I am remembering my former college choir director-- a woman who died from a complicated, long illness this autumn. 

 "Doc" was more than my college choir conductor. She was my friend. For over 20 years we exchanged {almost} daily emails sharing or lives and being cheerleaders for each other. To be honest, I still want to begin emails with " Dear Doc" & need to remember that she's no longer with us on this physical plane. 

  She was a little woman in stature but carried a BIG heart. 

  A soul like hers will not be forgotten. Doc loved God, her family, & her students and those of us who were blessed enough to know Doc on a more soul-sister level are still blessed by her influence. Doc and I shared a bond of trust that continues to right now. We trusted each other to keep what we say in confidence. 

  Now many different traditions and schools of thought try to define what a " soul" is for we humans.  I cannot define the word-- I can only report what I've experienced after Doc's death.  Her soul manifests itself by the life lessons that Doc offered to her students. I sense a lot of her when I work with my Godly Play students at church--- making a point to take a genuine interest in the students' lives as Doc did. I offer in my circle a safe play to " be" for the students-- because that is how Doc managed her rehearsal hall. It was more than choir--- it was community. 

  I have no solid definition for " soul" But as a Christian I believe that we are united in death with Christ & all our loved ones--- the mechanics of this " heart knowledge" are not important. Doc's soul is one of many souls with whom I feel a connection, & hers is the strongest. 

 Maybe our departed loved ones' souls show up in us?  To be honest, I have no idea.  All I know is that certain people's souls are so strong that their love & influence continues well after their Earthly lives. 

Do I miss Doc? I miss her every day. Yet somehow, I know that my soul and hers will connect again. In the meantime, it is my task to make the most of my remaining years on Earth. 

My soul rests in the knowledge of the Resurrection. 


Sarah McCarren



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