Saturday, November 27, 2021

#AdventWord2021 #Promise


                                            Our Menorah, ready for tomorrow's lighting.  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie 

 It is that time again, friends. Advent Word is here for Year 2021. This weekend sees the church calendar re-set itself. Advent is probably my favorite season of the year. 

 Today's word is PROMISE.  

  To be honest, I do not put much stock in promises of humans. After nearly two years, I am wary of beginning to have hope that Pandemic Life will slowly cease to exist.  I am still in trauma-response mode--- waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop. 

 When I make promises, I see that I make every effort to follow through with my commitment. Pandemic Life has taught me that many humans still only care about their immediate gratification. 

 Today Brian said that some random dude asked him why he was masked in the store. My spouse replied jokingly " my wife makes me wear it. "I was not amused.  I insist that we don the mask mainly to protect other people from getting sick. I wear a mask because I promised Brian's daughter that I'll keep him healthy. 

  I wear the mask because I want to be part of the solution. For me, masking is done because I promised at my Baptism to do what I can to care for other people-- and this promise extends both to those whom I know and love and those I do not know. 

 I mask because I know that the King of Kings {such weird, archaic language} came not to be served, but to serve others.  In Christ God fulfilled God's promise to literally become " God-With-Us" and to teach humans a Way to Live and Love better. 

I trust in God's Promises, but I don't trust people to do what is right anymore. My mask is an outward and visible sign of the promises I made at baptism to love others as God loves me. 

Sarah McCarren

Advent 1 2020

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