Thursday, November 11, 2021

Journey Statement

                                                     I am a BIG fan of John Pavlovitz. 

Last evening Brian and I attended a Wednesday night programming {yes, we are slo-ow-ly moving into post-pandemic life} at our church. It was the last chapter of a four-week program on _Wellness_ and our rector presented on " spiritual wellness". 

It was quite good, but I am highlighting my biggest take-away from her presentation. I think this idea is good for several reasons, one main reason being that it can apply to any spiritual path--- it is not exclusive to we Christians.

A Journey Question, or Journey Statement, is one that should point us towards being our best selves. {In Christianity--being our best selves is spelled out by Jesus' Way of Love} How should we strive to live out our days on Earth? 

At the tail end of a pandemic, with many societal and several personal losses happening over the past two years, I've been pondering this question a lot lately. 

Why am I here. What is my legacy? How can I, Sarah, make the most out of the approximately 45 years {hopefully} that I've left to grace this Earth. I'll share some song lyrics that have been running in my head on auto-play lately. I am not a huge fan of country music, but these Tim McGraw lyrics beg the same question that I'm asking myself.... 

"And I loved deeper
And I spoke sweeter
And I gave forgiveness I'd been denyin' "

And he said "Someday I hope you get the chance
To live like you were dyin' "

Like tomorrow was the end
And ya got eternity to think about what to do with it
What you'll do with it?
What can I do with it?
What would I do with it?"  ~ Tim McGraw _ Live Like You Were Dying_

Living through this pandemic, plus the added fact that I am in my mid-forties-- has me feeling rather contemplative. How can I best live out my Baptismal Covenant -- and be the best version of myself-- during the second act of life? How can I be a servant-leader in my community and how can I best use the gifts granted to me by our Creator to serve others? 

I can, with God's help, make the world a better, kinder, more compassionate place. Will I screw up? Yes. Yet I rest secure that I am Beloved -- and each new days is a chance to do my part to promote kindness, compassion and love for all. 

We as a society are emerging from the ugliest season in my lifetime, and there are many communal and individual trauma wounds that we all need to nurse back to health. Covid-tide has taken its toll on our collective emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health. 

How will we use our allotment of post-pandemic time on Earth?  I, for one, am tired of all the ugliness that the pandemic brought to the surface.  Each day, let me strive to be light for others. 


~Sarah McCarren

11 Nov 2021

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