Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Planners and Scary Things: How It is Going So Far...

           Moving towards a truly post-Pandemic life at turtle pace. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

   I am putting the planner that I bought to good use--- faithfully scheduling each day, while leaving room for grace if plans need to change.  As we slide into a semi-" normal"  Holiday Season 2021, I am glad I chose to buy the planner. I bought it in good faith that COVID will remain more contained as children slowly get vaccinated. 

  Brian and I still mask in public indoors--- the few times we are mask less is if we know it is a safe environment . MOST people with whom we come in contact are vaccinated, and rates of infection here seem to be steadily on a decline. I allow the hope to become a wee bit of anticipation. 

  I think COVID is here to stay, in that a booster will be a yearly rite-- and I am okay with  rolling up my sleeve. 

  The spouse and I are making a BIG foray into " normal;" on Friday. We are attending a concert on Friday evening inside. { yes we will mask and use hand sanitizer} We will enjoy a concert by my old college choral group: The University Singers. The program is a piece that honors the life of Matthew Shepherd, a young man who was brutally murdered for being LGBTQ+ The tickets did not cost anything but were by reservation only. { My guess is to control the crowd} Neither Brian nor I have been to an indoor entertainment activity since before the onset of COVID Life. 

  This is also significant, because some of my best college memories occurred in that Music Hall-- and I remember fondly my UWF Singers conductor, Dr Lynne Lauderdale. I still miss " Doc" terribly, but wise women { yes, more than one} have said ' the only way around something is through it." Doc's birthday was earlier this month, and it will be a fitting tribute to my friend to return to the UWF Music Hall to enjoy some music while supporting my university's Music Program. 

  At turtle pace, I am allowing myself to feel more alive. After almost two years of existing in survival mode---I am out of practice on what it means to live.  Love of neighbors kept us secure in our homes and shunning any sort of public space--- as much as I loved attending the Homecoming UWF Football game in October-- there was a lot of anxiety regarding  other people that I had to put in the ' God Box' so I could enjoy the game experience. 

  The same will be true for this concert. COVID has whittled my trust in the general public, but I know that both Brian and I have done all we can to protect ourselves and those we love-- and those we don't even know. We are slowly stepping out into the wider world again. 

 However, some things are still off the table :

~ Movie Theatres 

~Bowling Alleys { I have not bowled in years anyway}

~Airplane Travel { Maybe in a couple years I'll feel safe getting on a plane, but flying makes me nervous anyway, TSA agents are gross and I'd always arrive home from a plane trip with some sort of minor ' crud'. }

~Gyms. { I like to work out by doing something outside, but cold/ rainy days used to be gym days. Not anymore} 

How's it going? The short answer is: not too badly. I'm grateful that Brian and I are healthy and can reasonably enjoy Life again by taking small steps.  I know this is not everyone's reality, and I accept we all are on different pages regarding Re-Entry.  Trusting God is easy. Trusting people: pointless. 

 I am glad I bought the planner. In faith, and knowing we do all we can to ensure safety of ourselves and others, we step out. 


~Sarah McCarren

17 Nov 2021


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