Monday, November 1, 2021

All the Saints : 2021

                Bright yellow rose: symbol of friendship. Photo By The Pensacola Hippie

November 1 is All Saints' Day, where we honor those who have moved on beyond Earth. 

In 2021 I lost five special people in my life. While all these good people's lives have impacted me in a positive way, there are some whom I'll miss forever. 

~ Conley " Bubba" Rockhold.-- Surf kayaker. Gym buddy of Dad's. 

~Frank " Beni" Habennicht--- Dad's best buddy since childhood and honorary " Uncle" to my brother and me. We'd not seen much of each other since we moved to Florida but " Uncle Beni" and his family are a huge part of my growing-up years. I still recall fondly the wonderful HUGE Independence Day parties at his house--- when all of Dad's high school crew and their families would gather for fun, friendship and LOTS of beer. He is missed . I'd wish we'd spent more time together when I grew up-- but that did not happen. Anyway, I know he loved me like a niece. 

~George Milner-- From the day I walked into Bible Study at St Christopher's , George made me feel welcome. He was a faithful attendee of both the Wednesday healing service { before COVID} and the early Sunday Mass. 

~ Anne Elizabeth McNallan McCarren- " Grandma Anne"  She is the only family member who introduced me, in a gentle  non-threatening manner, to the life of Jesus. She had a cut out letter sign  on her big Box TV set in the family room that said J-E-S-U-S. As a small child, I remember tracing these letter and asking Grandma Mac { a devout Catholic} Who or what this meant.  Grandma, in a real way, was my first religious instructor. She told me about the good things Jesus did, and how we humans should strive to be more like Him. I credit her as the person who introduced me to Jesus' Way of Love. Grandma also taught me to speak up and stand up for my values--- even in Red-as-Blood Butler County, Pennsylvania. I am the eldest of 15 grandchildren on this side of the family tree-- so I was the recipient of a lot of weekends with the McCarren grandparents. Grandma always had Sunday Dinner-- when all the immediate family would come together for food and whatever Pittsburgh-area sports team was playing during any time of year. As the grandchildren grew up, fewer showed up for Sunday Dinner--- but she faithfully fed her family from her kitchen each week. 

This is the hardest one...

~Dr Lynne Allison " Doc" Lauderdale-- my University Of West Florida choir  conductor and someone who became a dear friend and mentor. Doc also was influential in my faith development. She LIVED a life of Christ's Way of Love. She and I mostly communicated via email daily for 20 years. Grandma Anne introduced me to Jesus, but Doc showed me how to best imitate Him. After Doc died, I was heartened to see all the tributes to this amazing , talented, beautiful woman whose smile  reflected her soul. She is missed by so many friends & family in Pensacola and other places. Doc was only 67 years old-- but packed a lot of life into her short time on Earth. I know she wants me to live a healthy, life full of service to others -- and that is what I shall continue to do. Through our emails, phone calls and in person time, Doc was the greatest ' life-lessons' teacher God could have granted me. Her Homegoing { as she would say} is still fresh but I know she would want me to do my best to live well for others. I was blessed to have Doc in my life for 22 years-- and I know she is healthy & whole. 

Blessed All Saints' Day, folks. 

~Sarah McCarren

11/1 21

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