Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Two Weeks


                                      Random Photo of Christ Episcopal Church, Savannah, GA. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

Two weeks tonight, I received a text that changed my world. From Lynne's phone { since I had her number in my contacts } that was her husband saying Lynne had been moved to a hospice care center here.  After my last " in person" visit with Lynne; this new came as no surprise but it still felt like a punch in the gut. 

 Tomorrow will be two weeks since Lynne died. She was surrounded by those nearest & dearest to her and for that I am grateful. 

 But tonight I just do not have any words. 

 Grief is a by-product of loving someone. 

 But that does not mean that the sting disappears on any sort of timeline. 

 Early grief is raw. Wounds are open and bleeding. Yes, eventually I'll need to " worry about caring for the living { someone I know actually SAID this to me -- thinking it would help.}  Sheesh-- its been only two weeks. I remind myself Lynne is gone every time I open my email  or phone and not see a message from her. 

 This is hard shit. And for the love of all that is good : only TWO WEEKS have passed since she died. 

 Platitudes suck. 

~Sarah McCarren


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