Monday, October 4, 2021

Roses and " Thin Moments"

                                   Facebook is down, so I cannot share the lovely photo of the single yellow rose that I saw in my parents' backyard yesterday. 

   Sometimes, the " veil between the worlds" gets thinner. For many, it occurs at a certain place-- for others , the curtain separating the world of life from the world of The Other happens randomly. 

   For me, I caught a sign from someone I recently lost. I was sitting in my parents' living room watching football, when I decided to talk a quick break to stretch my legs. My eye quickly spotted a single yellow rose bloom-- all by itself --- the remainder of the bush lost its blooms weeks ago. Curious, I knelt by the flower and gently put my hand on it. as I touched the flower--- careful to not tear any of its petals, I sensed that my dear departed friend, Lynne, telling me that she is finally whole & well after her long, debilitating illness. As I contemplated the flower , I  sensed her showing me in a tangible way that there IS hope in our resurrection. 

  God, as human in Jesus, knows what it is like to mourn a beloved friend. The God that is Three-in-One has Lynne safely with Them. Her Earthly life is over, but she'll stay with those who are blessed to have known her until our time comes. 

  I went back inside the house quietly, an image in my mind of Lynne at the piano at school, carefully playing scales and warming up our choir for rehearsal. Sad yet somehow joy-full tears formed in the corners of my eyes as I recalled my beautiful { in body & more importantly soul } friend as I knew her at UWF. This is the version of herself that my friend wants me to remember-- and I know now that she expects me to carry on her legacy of Christian soul-friendship with others & service in Christ's Name. As my friend , mentor, and sister-in-Christ--- part of Lynne's legacy lives in me & in everyone else she taught or accompanied. 

  I am grateful for the " thin moments" in this life--- moments that seem that this visceral world and The Otherworld come close together. 

  That flower allowed me to have a moment with my recently-lost friend, and strengthened my resolve to live the second half of life in service to others and with a joyful heart. 

  Thank You--- Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer for all the small but powerful ways You Show Yourself in our daily lives. Thank You for the witness of the Yellow Rose: a symbol of friendship. 


~Sarah McCarren

Feast Of St Francis of Assis 2021 

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