Monday, October 11, 2021

Creativity, Grief and Gratitude

                                     Unknown Artist's mural in Boone, NC. Photo by Brian. 

"Creative practices can also help you deepen your connection to that which is lost. Death doesn't end a relationship, it changes it." ~ Megan Devine _Its OK That You're NOT OK_._

I am a creative person. From the time I could hold a crayon, I wanted to draw and paint. From the time I read picture books, I wanted to tell stories. It is my theory that we humans are hard-wired for creating beauty--- for expressing ourselves via all the arts. 

  I believe that all humans have the ability to be creative--- it just manifests itself in different ways-- in all sorts of media. For instance, I would be a terrible jewelry maker-- I don't possess the eye-hand co-ordination to string small pieces together. As a result, I REALLY appreciate the efforts of those who make jewelry. 

  My friend, Lynne, was an artist. She spent her career around making music. She was an accomplished composer, performer, teacher , choir conductor, and accompanist . As a matter of fact, she composed the tune for the Alma Mater of The University Of West Florida. 

 She also played the piano and organ at our wedding. 

 I am a writer, painter and photographer. To tell the truth, these articles I write of my journey with grief over Lynne's  death are a way that I can process the loss at this stage.. She appreciated the photos I would email to her from various adventures in my life-- especially the Nature photos from my hikes around the Greater Pensacola area and other places. 

  In our emails Lynne and I shared snippets-- short stories of our lives. Sometimes a conversation thread would be short--- other times it would be so long we would agree to start a new conversation thread because the one we were too ponderous. 

 I miss starting emails with " Dear Doc" after so many years of daily communication. As the child of a teacher, Lynne always corrected any { rare} grammatical or punctuational errors in my notes to her! 

 But Lynne's no longer being " here" does not mean that she and I cannot communicate. I have not picked up my colored pencils or paints since she died, but I am hoping that -- when I am at work on a project--- I'll feel her presence with me--- just differently. 

 Lynne was a perfectionist when it came to her art-- and I've learned much about perfecting my work from her example. She also was very much an individual: She played the piano like no other person I've known. Her playing style was inexplicable-- at least to me-- but I knew it when I heard it. 

  During the Pandemic, I renewed my hobby of acrylic painting and in time, found my own artistic " style". 

  Honestly, one of the best parts about sharing an over 20 year friendship with Lynne is she helped me began to accept, then like, and finally love the woman whom God created as Sarah McCarren. Creative people understand each other, and I am so grateful that God put Lynne in my path. 

  She encouraged me to be bold-- both with the artistic endeavors and in life. 

  Tonight, I give thanks for all  artists--- especially Lynne. 

Bless the creators, O God of creation,
who by their gifts make the world
a more joyful and beautiful realm.
Through their labors
they teach us to see more clearly
the truth around us.
In their inspiration
they call forth wonder and awe
in our own living.
In their hope and vision
they remind us
that life is holy.
Bless all who create in your image,
O God of creation.
Pour your Spirit upon them
that their hearts may sing
and their works be fulfilling.

~Sarah McCarren




  1. Sarah, this is very touching and true. We are given different gifts and talents and it sometimes takes us a while to really understand and pursue them. Lynne helped you to find and express your talents. In many ways, that is a perfect friendship. I'm always struck by how much you and I have in common, especially when it comes to writing. I can draw, but since childhood have failed to pursue that talent - perhaps it wasn't enough to engage me. I am sure that you will find Lynne in many of the places you look. I especially liked the verse you ended with - very uplifting! Thanks for sharing! Much love!

    1. Rosemary.... I notice that many in our Caulfield/McCarren clans are writers or other artists. Lynne, in addition to music, was also a poet. She encouraged me to pursue my love of writing painting & photography & to improve my technique. I miss her so much, but know that somehow-- she'll still be with me.
