Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Tired of Surviving: Need to Look Towards Thriving

        Accurate graphic of what many of us feel as we are rounding 8 months of COVID Life

It has been over 8 months, and I am TIRED. 

I get plenty of sleep, but I am more TIRED now than I've ever been--- even during my darkest mental health days of youth. 

COVID has forced us into our cocoons. I have not hugged my parents since February. I miss seeing smiles of people-- especially at church I wear the mask every time I go out in public, and it is still nightmarish to walk around in Face Covered Zone. 

I wear the mask, protecting myself and others from a virus that is deadly. 

My body is totally alive, but my soul is in half-life mode most of the time. 

There has been good news during these smile-less months. Brian's NHL team, the Tampa Bay Lightning, won their Stanley Cup. My Pittsburgh Steelers professional football team remain undefeated so far. Adults will soon occupy the White House. Brian and I can and do attend in-person church on Sundays. Only one person I know has died from COVID-- although several have fallen ill with it.  A vaccine is in the works. Hurricane season is done for six months. 

But still: COVID continues to rob humanity of so much--- even as we stay alive and physically healthy. My grandmother is dying, and restrictions keep most of her kin away from her funeral Mass and burial . Brian and I are staying home--- and NOT seeing my brother and his family this week. I've not been to an in-person Bible study since February. While I am grateful for Facebook Live & Zoom-- I feel the wear and tear from living a digital life. 

Florida's governor still refuses to issue a statewide mask mandate.  While numbers in other regions of the nation are higher than ours here, this state still needs to reign in " La Rona". People still refuse to give up their perceived " freedoms" so that all of us can stay safe and healthy. 

I am TIRED of giving up living in favor of existing while others selfishly refuse to behave in such a way that controls this plague. 

My soul is sick from the work of survival. People need to do their part, too, so that we ALL can start thriving again. 

Sarah McCarren

24 November 2020

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