Sunday, November 29, 2020

2020 #AdventWord #Tender

Hands joined in prayer at the altar of the main chapel of Beckwith Camp and Conference Center. St Christopher's Women's Retreat 2018. A tender moment between some of my  Christa Sistas" and me  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

The 2020 Pandemic Edition of Sarah's Advent Word. This has surely ben a challenging year for most of us and since I m  verbal processor of thoughts & experiences, it is good to fall into my normal Advent devotional of meditating on the day's word. 

Today's word is #Tender. 

This season brings with it some tender moments for me & for people I love. Firstly, the deaths from the pandemic are increasing, and people are forced to observe & celebrate the December holidays differently.

 Many are looking at empty chairs  due to the pandemic. 

Others, such as myself & my extended family, remain wakeful & watchful as a loved one comes to her last days on Earth. Staying safe during this pandemic means that no one will be able to fly to Pittsburgh to join my Dad's sibling in putting my Grandmother to rest.

 Grandma's death, like her life, will be " good" She is at home and spends most of her time sleeping. Dad had a chance to speak with her on the phone on Thursday. I was not privy to that conversation but I know my Dad well enough to understand that phone call to be tender and sacred I am glad that both Dad and Grandma had that tender time together--- even if it had to be via telephone { Grandma does not employ computers or smartphones}

 Throughout this crazy year, I've learned that tender moments where God shows God's Self in ordinary , small moments are gifts. 

This morning's Gospel from St Mark has Jesus admonishing His followers " KEEP AWAKE"  This is solid advice for any time, but perhaps more so during a pandemic. 



1 Advent 2020

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