Sunday, April 5, 2020

Computer problems in the times of #Coronavirus

My computer isn't working correctly .

And. I. Am . Freaked. Out.

Normally Brian and I would take the machine down to our local tech store to get a " looksee" by a tech person. Yet we are living in Coronavirus Days, so that little luxury is not happening now. The last time my machine pooped out on connectivity , we bought an external antenna that saved the day.

I'm tethered to my computer and I HATE IT!

Of course I am grateful for the technology that keeps us connected during this time, but I m lso freaked out that this is the ONLY socialization I get now.

I cannot lose The Internet, as my mental health { what remains due to quarantine} depends on my ability to socialize online with people I love.

As a true introvert, I don't mind not engaging in chit-cat with strangers at the store. My soul, however, CRAVES interaction with those whom I know and love. staying way from strangers is easy- but my soul lives for those Zoom visits with friends & family.

Being tethered to a computer all day is horrible. Yet it is all we have right now,

Stay safe and sane...


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