Thursday, April 9, 2020

Washing Feet By Staying Home

  Blessed Triduum to you. 

 Maundy, or Holy Thursday, is one of my favorite liturgical days of the entire year.  On this day, we Christ-followers commemorate the Last Supper Christ had with His friends, the institution of the Holy Eucharist { or Mass} and service to others via ceremonial foot-washing. 

  I miss all of it. Later this evening, Christians around the world will gather virtually for the Holy Thursday liturgy from the safety of home. 

  I know this is necessary. 
  But it still saddens me. 

  It saddens me that on the holiest three days on the calendar, Christians must " wash each other's feet" by staying home. 

  I lament this loss.

  As a matter of fact, I am full of lamentations. This pandemic has taken away most of what I hold dear--everything from outdoor recreation at the beach to visits with my parents to gathering for public worship with people I love. 

  I understand why these sacrifices are absolutely necessary, but I lament their loss. 

  Saving lives comes at a huge  price right now. 

  Our LORD Jesus knew this fact intimately. He knew about giving up life in order to save those He loved. 

   In Spring of 2020, we are called to give up parts of " normal life"  to save others. 

  It is hard. 

  Jesus knew this hardship intimately. 

  Blessed Triduum to you,


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