Sunday, January 29, 2023

Justice for Tyre. It's Personal



My heart is sad. 

 This past week, the world watched in horror as a man, a Black man, was stomped to death by police in Memphis. 

 My heart goes out to Tyre' Nichols' family and friends. May his soul rise in power. 

 However, I cannot help but to see the faces of Black men I know and love in Tyre's handsome face. I especially see the faces of two men whom I've known since they were students with my brother at The University of Cincinati over 20 years ago. These two men-- and their families-- are more family to me than some of my blood relatives. Yes, I am bold enough to say that these two men are brothers as much as Matt is to me.  

Tyre was someone's biological and/or fictive brother. He surely was someone's son. He had friends and relatives. 

 Tyre Nichols was stopped by the police for " reckless driving", and for that minor infraction he was murdered by a cop. 

 To be honest, friends, I find it hard to believe in cops.  Our Black, Brown and LGBTQ+ siblings have tried to tell mainstream White America that the very nature of the American law enforcement and corrections institutions are racist for years.  And as long as I'm being honest, I've hid behind my White privilege and defended the system. 

 I'm not hiding behind my Whiteness anymore. 

 While it is true that there are law enforcement officers who are good people, the fact is that the modern police forces are built upon years of oppressing anyone who is not White. 

 Things will never change until White people-- and I am totally including myself in this statement-- own the fact that our " law enforcement" is not and never has been equal for all. 

 How many Black men must die before things change? 

 To my Black brothers: I love you. Stay safe. 

 Kyrie elesion. 

 Sarah Beth McCarren  


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