Thursday, January 12, 2023

Open Letter To " Butler Man"

  Hey " Butler Man" ...

We've never met, but trust me when I say that I know your type all too well. I was born in Butler County, Pennsylvania and grew up in that general area. 

I'm pissed. Furthermore, I 'm embarrassed. Sadly, having grown up Rust Belt Appalachia, I am not surprised. 

Read it. I cannot make this shit up. {and as a writer, I own an active imagination}

I'm from Butler County, Pennsylvania, and grew up in that general area. Many of my relatives and friends from childhood still call this area home. 

I've not been back since before COVID. To be honest, I do not think I'll ever willingly return to where I grew up. {unless for a wedding or a funeral}

I'd rather spend our precious Travel Dollars hanging out with like-minded folks at the cabin in Western North Carolina every summer than subject myself to hellish air travel only to return to a place that was not kind to me as a {minority} child.

Anti-Semitism is not new in Butler, and other rural counties that surround Pittsburgh. I heard/ saw more bigotry against Jews {Mom is Jewish} and Black people by adults I knew. {mostly friends of schoolmates} 

In the last few years, the anti-Semitism has grown worse in this part of the nation. {we all know why this happened, so I will not elaborate} 

I'l say it AGAIN for people in the back. HATE SPEECH IS   **** NOT**** PROTECTED. Furthermore, the use of a swastika is illegal.  

Perhaps sharing hate on one's property in the form of a small yard sign might constitute as " free speech". When one buys a whole damn BILLBOARD and puts the hate speech in colored lights that can be seen for MILES, this is not freedom of expression. 

Okay, " Butler Man", these are your views? Shame on you, but I am not one to tell you what to think. I cannot fix stupid, so let's agree to disagree.  Please contain such opinions either in your home or in the yard-- free from the eyes of every driver on the 422. Your words and images are offensive and dangerous. 

Ask the child of a Holocaust survivor what swastikas mean. 

I'm not old enough to have a parent who survived The Holocaust, but I AM the child of a Jewish woman who grew up in lovely Butler County, Pennsylvania. That is Mom's story to tell, but I know that being any sort of minority in your fair county made me a freak. 

Butler Man, you are surrounded by White, straight {although not as straight as you think} Christian people. My guess is that you rarely, if ever, travel south to the city. That is your loss, as Pittsburgh itself is an awesome city with much to offer. 

These are all your choices. Stay there until you die. 

But keep your dangerous images and rhetoric away from the general public. 

Butler Man, I am so done with your bullshit. 

Pensacola is home. These are my people. 

Ungratefully yours....

Sarah Elizabeth McCarren

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