Friday, January 6, 2023

Feast Of Epiphany: and Second Anniversary of Capitol Insurrection

                                                      My home altar area, with lit candles . 

Today is The Feast of Epiphany. 

It is also the second anniversary of The Capitol Insurrection. 

To be honest, friends, I am not over it. People always talk about where they were when the horrors of 9/11/01 happened. Yet few talk about where they were when AMERICANS tried-- and almost succeeded-- in a literal coup of our government. 

What happened in New York, DC and rural Pennsylvania in 2001 was horrid. 

In my opinion, what occurred two years ago today was even worse. Many people died in September of 2001 and that is tragic. However, the horrors we all saw two years ago was orchestrated by AMERICANS, against other Americans. 

Regardless of whatever political party to which one subscribes, this was horrible. 

The Magi had a mission to find the Christ Child and report back to Herod. 

Herod, as many Christians know, had nefarious plans for this toddler. 

The Magi, upon meeting Child Jesus, sensed that this Child was no ordinary child. He would be a King, but not in a way that should have frightened Herod. This Child would grow up to bring people together.  He would rule not on Earth, but as part of Godself. 

The Wise People went home " by another way" and did not return to Herod. 

This was a brave act of civil disobedience that could have cost them their lives. Scripture is silent on what happened to the Wise People once the made the choice to avoid Herod. 

I'm still angry, and to be honest it is hard for me to avoid pointing fingers today. 

A wise friend pointed out that perhaps an act of brave civil disobedience on the part of Christians is to say less and work quietly to bring the world closer to where people work together-- a world that is safe for all of us. 

Herod acted cruelly, but maybe he also acted out of fear. His world was about to change with the birth of this Child, although not in the way he probably imagined.  Herod has one view of kingship-- and this Child threatened that status quo. 

Jesus is King of all, but His ruling is not partisan or nationalistic. 

His ruling is kind, but firm. 

Knowing Who Jesus was and is, how can my acts of civil disobedience bring about justice for all? 

Happy Epiphany, friends. 


Sarah Beth McCarren 

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