Monday, January 23, 2023

Kate Bowler Quote # 2 Experiences over more " stuff"


                                            Yes, I take " piano selfies"  :) 

 Without further ado, here is today's nugget from Ms. Bowler's book:

" What a privilege it is to have stories to burn " Bowler, Chapter 4 

 As I've gotten older, I've discovered that what really " fills my cup" the most are not acquiring things, but rather sharing experiences   with people who matter to me. Yes, I'm a big purse collector -- just ask my husband-- and I always am looking to add to my home library but what I really treasure are shared experiences. 

 Thankfully, it did not take a terminal diagnosis for me to come to this realization, Brian and I have been giving each other shared experiences in the form of a road trip together for several years.  Back in 2021 we braved COVID restrictions and drove to Savannah, Georgia for a two-day urban hiking experience. 

 This year, we are celebrating both Valentine's Day and my birthday by taking a trip-for-two north to the Alabama Appalachian Foothills. We booked our first VRBO and plan to take our Hound Dog, Harry, along with us. We had to " fenagle" {this is one of Brian's favorite weird words} a few financial matters to make the trip happen for February, but it had to be done. 

 My soul has been running on empty for longer than I care to admit. A wise friend asked me what REALLY would fill my empty cup and press the reset button on my operating system."

 "Hiking in the mountains"

 " Then do it! " 

 She was not interested in hearing any of my flimsy excuses, insisting that there was no time like now to refill my cup. Of course, contrary creature that I am, {and she knows this about me} I offered all the excuses. True to form, she wasn't hearing any of them. 

Brian and I looked at a few things, made some adjustments, and booked the north Alabama mountain cabin for three nights and two-and-a-half days.  Even with the pet fee, we are saving money by taking Hound Dog with us, and he'll enjoy exploring the gorgeous woods that are several hundred feet above sea level. 

 More importantly, Brian and I are not waiting until May-- or even March {when the temps are warmer} to make this experience happen. It will happen as soon as possible-- during a week when we could clear our calendar completely for a few days. 

 Brian and I will have more " stories to burn" after this trip. After all, life is short. His cancer diagnosis-- stage 1 but scary enough-- reminded us that humans are here on earth for a finite amount of time. While our souls are eternal, our flesh, blood, bone and skin bodies eventually do reach an expiration date.   

Make the memories now, so the stories will burn for the rest of your life. The truth is: none of us know when our time on Earth might suddenly end, so honor The Creator by making memories-- memories that turn into stories. 

 No excuses accepted. 

 Peace, love, music and light....

Sarah Beth McCarren 


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