Wednesday, December 21, 2022

#AdventWord #Obedience

                                       The #cross entrusted to me when I was admitted to The Order of The Daughters of The King back in August 

Today's word is Obedience. 

As someone who was a hell-raiser and rule-breaker for most of my life, this word is an odd one for me to appreciate. 

One of the blessings with ageing is that one really starts to lean into a more mature, settled life. And one's faith journey usually reflects what happens in one's biography. 

 For those who want to know exactly what The Order of the Daughters of the King is, here is their Web site for more detailed information on our Order.

Membership is open to woman and girls in the Episcopal, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic Christian traditions.  In a nutshell, here is what we are about. We are an Order, NOT an organization. 

Order vs. Organization

A Christian order is a community of men or women living under a religious rule. Because Daughters of the King accept a Rule of Life, we define ourselves as an order, not an organization. Our community is found primarily in our local chapters, but it extends around the world.

We don’t just enroll as members and attend meetings. After a three-month period of study and discernment, each new member takes vows to uphold the two Rules of The Order, the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. { source DOK National Website }

As a Daughter, I took solemn vows in front of my priests, our congregation, and other Daughters to do my best to follow my Rule of Life, the Order's Rule of Prayer and Rule of Service. 

The cross I wear daily{and is worn by every other active Daughter around the world} reminds me that I took vows that need to be obeyed. Do I mess up in totally fulfilling my Rule of Life every day. No! I'll be the first to tell you that some days it is impossible for me to obey the tenants of my vows.

We cannot do all things. And we cannot do more than we can at any moment. God knows this, and God loves us anyway. 

Praying is hard on some days. I pray every day-- often several times per day. As I've matured I realized that most of the sincere praying I do does not employ words. 

Regarding service to others, I am grateful that my chapter is full of wise, faithful servants who show me daily how to put others' first. 

What I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.

~ parts of The Motto of The Order

Daughters { a.k.a DOK} are called to both pray for/with our priests and help them with whatever they might need. This also means { at least to me} that we trust our priests especially when we might not agree with a decision they might make for the parish. 

Again, we are called to obey our clergy and to trust in their pastoral and administrative wisdom. 

I am thankful for The Order of The Daughters of the King, especially my chapter. I'm grateful for the life of prayer, service and evangelism that my vows lead me towards every day. 

I'm thankful that my vows as a " DOK" came at a time when I was open and ready to think about obedience as part of a faith-full Christian Walk. 


Sarah Beth McCarren 

Advent 4 2022


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